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Just a blog of nerdy ramblings by yours truly.  Part of a complete breakfast!

Entries in this blog

Fox Rambles 7: A Very Long and Rambly Zelda Thing!

Good day, all you wonderful people! Today, there's absolutely nothing to talk about in regards to the FFVII Remake, or FFXV.  I've already said my two cents on them.  If I were to talk about them right now, I'd just be all: "YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS!" and start foaming at the mouth.  So, instead of Final Fantasy, I want to talk about a franchise that I've played for quite some time: The Legend of Zelda.  I've only played a few games from this series: Four Sword Adventures, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mas



Fox Rambles 6: A Brief and Possibly-Botched History of Final Fantasy XV!

Beware the ides of March, for a tetrad of road-tripping dorks is coming your way!  What I mean to say is that there’s gonna be some huge Final Fantasy XV news on March 30th.  It’s all gonna go down in LA at 11:00AM Pacific Time.  So, to all of those fans in Europe and Australia: I’m sorry you guys have to miss it.  Granted, I’m damn sure there are a few of you who are crazy enough to stay up for it.  More power to those people.  So, I watched the Active Time Report yesterday.  From what the guys



Fox Rambles 5: Street Failure V, Nerd Rage, and Final Fantasy XV Hype!

Well hello there, everyone!  I hope you've mastered your Hadoukens and Shoryukens because this entry is about to go into all out Akuma mode.  So, Street Fighter V was just released to the masses.  I, along with everyone else, was so fucking hyped for this game.  Thanks to Happy Console Gamer and AlphaOmegaSin, I now know that the hype wasn't even worth it.  Apparently, Capcom (Or Crapcom, as I like to call them) has released an incomplete product. As of right now, Street Fighter V has a painfull



Fox Rambles 5: SJW Rant and More FFVII Dribble!

Good morning, friends!  I’m back once again to talk about my obsession: Final Fantasy VII; namely the Remake.  We all know about those quirky scenes of Cloud cross-dressing, the Gold Saucer date with Barret, and various other parts that some fans are absolutely in love with.  But, what if I told you that Square Enix may take out some of those scenes?  If a certain interview is enough to go by, then we may not see the Honey Bee Inn, or even Wall Market, at all.  Naturally, this is where I point t



Fox Rambles 4: Concerned Banter of the Anxious Fan

Hey, everyone!  Your pal, Riley, is back again with even more nerdy rambles, and Ramen!  So, as some of you know, I’m a huge Final Fantasy VII fangirl.  I bet you can’t guess what I’m gonna be talking about today.  Yes: More FFVII.  “What!? Again!?” Yes, again.  I’ve been trying my damnedest to stay in the loop in regards to the Remake.  However, that’s proving to be difficult at this point in time.  Just like with Kingdom Hearts 3, Square Enix has been extremely mum about the Final Fantasy VII



Fox Ramblings 3: Of Absence and Roleplay!

What's good, everyone?  I'm kinda back, and kinda not back; it's kinda hard to describe what I am at the moment.  I've been a busy, little fox for the past while.  I started a roleplaying blog on Tumblr back in late January; it's a Cloud Strife blog (makosoldierboy.tumblr.com if you guys wanna go take a look.).  So far, it has 25 followers; some of which are my senpais.  This blog has been getting my undivided attention; which is why I've been dead on here for a while.  I need to be more active



Fox Rambles 2: Quick Smash Bros. Thing!

Heyyo, everyone! Just a bit of a quick entry here tonight.  Bayonetta and Corrin have just arrived in Smash Wii U/3DS!  As you’re reading this entry, I’m downloading the required update.  To be completely honest here, I’m still salty over Corrin’s Smash confirmation; that slot that they’re taking up could’ve been used for a better character.  However, when it comes to the Umbra witch, I’m super hyped.  I may even put her up on the Main Pedistal, right next to Roy and Cloud.  Of course: That’s if



Fox Ramblings 1: Dream, YouTube, and Whatever Else!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone!  This is my first blog entry on this website.  I hope you enjoy nonsensical ramblings; because that’s what you’re gonna be getting here!  I tend to go on a million and a half tangents since my brain goes faster than Sonic the Hedgehog.  Anyways, let’s open this up on a dream I had last night: It all started at an open-air furmeet.  It may have been a Fur BQ, but I don’t recall seeing a grill.  Anyways, so I’m going around, being a social fox; I stop



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