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About this blog

This is my music blog where I act all pretentious and shit. Since I'm not the first to do this on this forum, I'm dedicating this blog to Endless. luv u endless bb.

Entries in this blog

Song Sharing 4/15/16

Ah Devo, one of my favorite bands. I love the false optimism of the song. I know false optimism is not an original concept in music, but this has to be the catchiest song to use it.   I love hard psych rock like this. Especially love the guitar riffs. Not much I have to say about this.   I'm not a huge fan of 80's pop, personally. However, if I had to name my favorite pop band of the 80's, it'd be Tears for Fears. I've had this song stuck in my head for th



lmao this is a feature

So blogs are a thing I guess. Since I really like music, I guess I'll make a music blog. brb making an effortpost.



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