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(Mostly lemurs)

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I have been robbed.

Last Sunday I went to a different zoo than the one I usually visit. They opened their new lemur enclosure for the first time and I had to be there. Before the enclosure was opened at 11am I went to see their Barbary macaque enclosure though. It is open as well, so you can go in there to hang out with some stinking, disgusting and slightly dangerous monkeys. monkey by Mathias Appel, auf Flickr There was a sign at the entrance that said that they know how to get into bags and backpa



We have blogs?!

I didn't even see this before. Anyway, might as well post about some of my photographic antics here. The griffon vultures had chicks recently. It's amazing how baby birds look so much like freaky aliens! It's also pretty amazing how quickly they grow up. vulture by Mathias Appel, auf Flickr And here are the proud parents. Don't they look happy? :3 vulture by Mathias Appel, auf Flickr No, they don't. Griffon vultures are incapable of looking happy. They can only look ex



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