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Allergy rant


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A comment I posted on the vegetarian thread just reminded me of something that happened to me when I was a kid. 

I have a pretty broad list of allergies. I inherited them from my mother, who has an even broader list. Her's include outside during pollen season, most if not all grass/foilage, all flowers, her sweat, fruits focused on berries,milk and some dyes. The lactose intolerance thing in both her and me isn't a surprise as we're hispanic, but the other shit raises some eyebrows. My mom was born with a "mild" immune disorder, apparently.

I, having a "normal" immune system, am "only" allergic to some animals, fruits focused on berries, and outside. The outside allergies are never questioned. The animal allergies are never questioned. But when I say I'm allergic to fruit, I always get a skeptical eyebrow. Why are my other allergies acceptable, but for SOME reason, the fruit one straight up offends people. 

So, I was a kid in middle school. I had a known allergy to most fruits, but the one that was most lethal was strawberries. From what I gather, the more seeds a fruit has, the higher chance of anaphylaxis. One of my many many bullies overheard that I couldn't eat fruit. You see, even though I'm allergic to most fruits, those I can eat I'm not a fan of since that entire subset of food wasn't introduced to me much. Texture issues. Anyways, so they concocted a plan. Their mom baked treats and they requested to have strawberries in them, along with some other berries. The two of them presented them to our class, and asked me first if I wanted one. I asked if they had any fruit of them, and they very gleefully said no. The teacher didn't pay attention because she already asked the usual: Do they have fruit or nuts, as we had a girl in class allergic to class. but no one bothered her, amirite? 

You can see where this was going. Couple minutes later I had developed a rash all over my arms, my face had started to swell and my tongue was next. I was freaking out, understandably. At this point we were too poor for an epipen, so the girl with the nut allergy jammed me with hers. After the flurry of the ambulance and whatever, the teacher apparently lit in to me, ranting about how I have to be more diligent about what I eat and whatever. Guys. I was 11. I was tricked. The girls who knowingly bought berry products to class? Scot free. Me? I got a couple days suspension for causing a disturbance. Ah. Texas. 

As an adult I still receive backlash. I go to art school, and I had a mom freshman year very bluntly told me she didn't believe me as she was eating a pomegranate and I had moved away (The visual and texture grosses me the hell out). I told her, very bluntly, that shitting out a kid didn't make her a doctor and I didn't have to prove anything to her. She dropped out a little while later, but still. The fuck. 

Why are you so up in arms about your fruits? I don't know what I'm missing! I don't want to die to find out! 

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You can see where this was going. Couple minutes later I had developed a rash all over my arms, my face had started to swell and my tongue was next. I was freaking out, understandably. At this point we were too poor for an epipen, so the girl with the nut allergy jammed me with hers. After the flurry of the ambulance and whatever, the teacher apparently lit in to me, ranting about how I have to be more diligent about what I eat and whatever. Guys. I was 11. I was tricked.

The girls who knowingly bought berry products to class? Scot free. Me? I got a couple days suspension for causing a disturbance. Ah. Texas.

That made me pretty angry just reading that... It sucks how often bullies get away with awful things like this.

I do find it strange how some people seem to get offended about what people choose not to eat (even for perfectly good reasons like allergies, apparently). I did have a friend in high school who said he was allergic to bananas, and I guess I didn't totally believe him at first, but I didn't get mad about it. I just thought he was joking with me. Once he explained that no, he wasn't joking, I believed him. Simple as that.

...Then we went on to joke that "allergic to bananas" would be a pretty funny weakness for a superhero. :v

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That's some shit man...

I once got in trouble at a daycare because some retard (like, he was actually retarded or something, idk) punched me in the stomach.

Shit sucks man, I didn't do shit, he was let off because he was retarded, and I got in trouble. 

So that REALLY sucks when you can practically get poisoned and get in trouble for it. 

Fuck... What the fuck's wrong with the justice system these days? :V

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My sister-in-law is allergic to strawberries but almost no one ever believes her about it, her reaction isn't as severe as yours but it brings her out in a horrific rash that she scratches to the point of rending the skin.

I think I'm allergic to button and portabello mushrooms (probably others too but never come across the others and don't plan to taste test em) to the point it makes me violently ill, throw up everywhere, eyes go bloodshot, not to mention the texture is all wrong but no one ever believes me and just tells me I'm a picky eater, I tend to not ingest enough if I'm accidentally given it.

Though the thing is if its like an artificial mushroom flavouring used in food or its in big enough chunks to pick out I'm perfectly fine, which had made me think it could be all psychological and I just plain hate the texture and taste and thats my bodies reaction.

Either way I never plan to eat enough to find out If I truly am :v

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You aren't missing anything with Strawberries, but people forget that allergies to food items that are considered "healthy" do happen the same way that people can be allergic to Glycerin, soy, and beef.

If a person says I am allergic to X, then they should take that statement seriously.

I discovered I was allergic to raw Carrots. I love raw carrots. Can't eat it because my throat closes up unless its cooked. And I hate cooked carrots. I can have juiced carrots as long as it is pasteurized. I am also allergic to Soybeans in it's pure form. I am not missing much either because I hate soybeans.


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