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Good premise, Bad/Unremarkable execution?


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Basically some form of media you loved the synopsos/idea of, but it ended up not meeting expectations when it could have.

For me its Maximum Ride by James Patterson. Love that series to death as its my main inspiration for being a winged furry, but good lord did it not execute well. Let me say, the characters were funny and witty, the idea and concept was good. But as time wore on things started becoming sue-ish, irregular, and dull. I mean...there was a love triangle towards the end! Bluh! Some of the kids started getting random powers with little to know plot reason or explanation (I still dont get the purpose of Nudge's magnetism ability). After all the buildup...the world was never saved and instead all the humans died and all the bird hybrid people lived in peace and happiness in the new world as was seeming the desire and intent of the original evil scientists. And that bad ending was explained away as a metaphor that we, the reader, are the ones who should save the world or something :/ Which I dont mind passing on a lesson to the reader, but the failure ending up being perfect ending was a dissappointment.


Well, another one I only have a premise for (never watched, cant judge execution) hm, I suddenly for no reason remembered the show "Pushing daisies"...I never watched it, but I remember it was about someone who had the ability to bring the dead to life with a touch (kind of a 'King Midas' but with mortality, not gold). And with a second touch would kill the person again


Explain your dissapoinments to me

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The only thing I can think of recently is Jupiter Ascending, although I really had no idea what that was when I started watching it, but it was by the Wachowskis so I figured it couldn't be too bad.  The plot was kinda cool and original, but overall it gave me an overwhelming felling that it was an over-produced fan fiction starring a bunch of deviantArt OCs. Minor spoilers, but there's a poor Earth girl who finds out she's an alien princess, soldiers who are engineered with wolf DNA and angel wings, and my favourite, a group of alien bounty hunters that wear straight-up cybergoth rave gear.  It was just all kinds of silly to watch.

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Maximum Ride is a great pick. I agree that the premise was clever, and the execution was bleh.

A friend and I were discussing the Dark Crystal's flaws yesterday. Gorgeous movie, too much bloody exposition.

MirrorMask also had potential, but just didn't gel right.

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The only thing I can think of recently is Jupiter Ascending, although I really had no idea what that was when I started watching it, but it was by the Wachowskis so I figured it couldn't be too bad.  The plot was kinda cool and original, but overall it gave me an overwhelming felling that it was an over-produced fan fiction starring a bunch of deviantArt OCs. Minor spoilers, but there's a poor Earth girl who finds out she's an alien princess, soldiers who are engineered with wolf DNA and angel wings, and my favourite, a group of alien bounty hunters that wear straight-up cybergoth rave gear.  It was just all kinds of silly to watch.

Jupiter Ascending is my favorite Disney Princess movie.

It's also about three movies shoved into two hours, and damn does it not work about 70% of the time.

My answer would be Ready Player One. The idea of everyone owning a utopia while living in a dystopia is really cool, and of course the video game stuff had major potential as far as drama/action go. But Ernest Cline is a bumblefuck of a bad writer, so we got what we got :(

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The Order 1886. I really enjoyed the game but the story, while engaging, felt too linear and could have been expanded upon more. The universe they set up was amazing but you didn't really sense the scope of it.

But thanks to the video game community and their hateful bandwagon-ing on that game, the studio behind it might never get a change to flesh it out in a sequel, since Sony basically ditched them due to poor sales -_-

For TV shows, I'd say Gotham. I never saw it, but from everything I hear about it, its close to what I feared it would be: Lots of "wink wink, nudge nudge" to the Batman lore and focusing way too much on the background of villains rather than Gordon and the history of Gotham before Batman came about. Some of the villains weren't even evil until Batman existed, yet they show up in the series already crazy

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