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This fuckin town.

Red Lion

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After I dropped off my brother at school and drove home I saw someone in front of me swerve off the road and into a ditch. I pulled my car over to check and see if the driver was hurt and offered to call someone if he needed it and the guy yelled at me to fuck of. So I did just that; I got back into my car and drove away. My best guess is that this guy is probably drunk or there's something shady going on with him or his car that he doesn't want anyone finding out about. This kinda thing wouldn't even be unusual for my town, there are several crack dealers around the area and we're the 9th worst town in the whole state with the crime rate. But that's what happens when most of the people in the area live at or below the poverty line. I cannot wait to get the fuck out of here. This place is starting to reek of desperation and everyone I pass seems hollow, resigned and very wary. There are more homeless people than ever. When you leave the rural outskirts and go into the actual town itself the place just looks torn down and dirty, so many shops are closed down and boarded up, people in dirty, ragged clothes prowl around, occasionally approaching people for money and everyday I hear about someone's car getting broken into or a robbery going down. 

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I don't even know what to say other than, "I'm glad they didn't decide to shoot you to emphasize their message." I think you're on the right track with your guesses as to what was really going on with this fine upstanding gentlemen. It's disappointing that no good deed goes unpunished in today's day and age.

How long until you achieve escape velocity?

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I don't even know what to say other than, "I'm glad they didn't decide to shoot you to emphasize their message." I think you're on the right track with your guesses as to what was really going on with this fine upstanding gentlemen. It's disappointing that no good deed goes unpunished in today's day and age.

How long until you achieve escape velocity?

I don't know, hopefully not that long, I have plans to move to a different part of the state ASAP.

I just looked my town up on the crime index. The scale is 1-100 with 100 being the safest. We rank at 4. ;u;

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Enjoy hours comparing your current town to other hellholes like Chicago using City Data. Hell, I think you can even do it internationally so you can have some real fun.

Oh god what have you done, this is the kind of thing that can take up a huge chunk of my evening.

....I am too easily entertained. 

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The first city that comes to mind is Detroit but your town sounds much smaller.  It's to bad that's going on man.  

North Carolina (and Maryland) are places you go o if you're an illegal alien and need a driver's license or government assistance.  



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Honestly there's a lot I do like about living in NC, if you live in the right kind of town it's very beautiful and the people are quite friendly. Though I will say the bureaucracy is HORRENDOUS. Need something filed on time? Good luck, hope no one loses your paperwork or gives you the wrong forms. There is no organization and I swear every pencil pusher I've ever met here is incompetent.  

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Sounds somewhat similar to where I'm at. I think my own town is somewhere in the top twenty most dangerous cities. This shit hole sucks the life outta ya if it doesn't kill you, first. Rednecks/ghettos + meth/pills = I might get stabbed at work over something completely stupid/trivial.

Edited by ZorroValdez
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Sounds somewhat similar to where I'm at. I think my own town is somewhere in the top twenty most dangerous cities. This shit hole sucks the life outta ya if it doesn't kill you, first. Rednecks/ghettos + meth/pills = I might get stabbed at work over something completely stupid/trivial.

That's pretty much my town. When I was in college we had a system to avoid getting mugged/assaulted. If it was after 9 o'clock never walk to your car alone, leave the classrooms as a group and avoid the stairwells behind the buildings.  

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I live in one of Central California's grand 3 cities of hell. Fresno, Stockton, and Bakersfield. These three cities have just absurd amounts of crime, homelessness, drugs, and pollution. All three of them make top 20 lists in these categories, and they're all very close together running along one highway. Central Cali is in desperate need of reform.

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