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Ill? Stay the fuck home!


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The title really explains it all but I'll elaborate.

So I get into class and sit down, right? Then my teacher walks in coughing all over the bloody place (in my direction as well, to my great fucking delight). She gets to her seat complaining about how ill she's feeling. You know, I'da symphatized if only you didn't come school today and didn't poison your students with you, you dumb fuck. You don't show that you're a ''hard worker'' and all that shit, you only show your complete disregard to the health of the people around you. Later today she even had the stupidity to ask me if she looked ill, and at an inopportune time at that since I had a physics test just a couple of minutes ago and was pissed off due to it going to shit. I'm rarely this sarcastic but I just replied with a cold ''no'' and moved on. I didn't even remain to hear her finish her sentence.


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Maybe she didn't have any off days left.

Could be, though I doubt it. At least in my country, if you as a teacher are ill you always have the right to stay home for health reasons, regardless of whether you still have off days or not

You forget more often than not the teacher ends up ill because of the students coming in when they're ill.

Those twats aren't spared from my wrath either! This thread applies to anyone, not just to my teacher, though if she's ill she should have the common sense to stay home in order to prevent the cold to spread even further

By the way, were you there at the old FAF forums too? You sound familiar...

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Not everybody just gets time off whenever they're sick. I've had to go to work while literally throwing up before because if I dared take another sick day off I would be fired.

Wow, your boss in an asshole

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A lot of people only see the infrastructure, not that there are people with their own lives and perceptions filling in the roles of that infrastructure. 

So when they see one of their cogs missing or out of commission, they're not thinking "Oh, poor them", they're thinking "I need a replacement cog".

People play "cog in the machine" for survival, and it's a much more deeply ingrained sense of threat than not having your feelings acknowledged. People work sick, because it's perceived as a greater threat to miss work, than to ignore that your body needs rest.

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Wow, your boss in an asshole

Lel I just realized I wrote ''Your boss IN an asshole'' huehuehuehue

@Bloodshot_Eyes: That's... That's something I didn't consider. Good point

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Haha, that obvious is it?  I'm Ahkrin Descol.

I suspected as such, I fucking knew it! Ever since I read ''Nottingham'' from the Location thread. I did remember that one from your old account. Mah mo'fuckin' nigga, wuss good

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I suspected as such, I fucking knew it! Ever since I read ''Nottingham'' from the Location thread. I did remember that one from your old account. Mah mo'fuckin' nigga, wuss good

Stalker remembering all my credentials, I better move house xD

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@Bloodshot_Eyes: That's... That's something I didn't consider. Good point

Unfortunately, we're stuck in a feedback loop of sacrificing our self worth to be worthy of our existence, which is now worth as much as we have left of ourselves. For some we have our money left, for some just our bodies and service, some people have even managed to hold onto empathy. Some people sacrifice their feelings, their health, their sanity, and their "souls"; all to feel worthy of even having their lives. 

Perception's a tricky bitch when trying to get a bunch of individual perspectives to align towards an evolving homeostasis (what might be considered a good planetary goal). The people creating the infrastructures only see how the system has worked for them, and only need to mold it to the things they care about/have seen/care to see. That leaves anyone who doesn't align with that up shit creek without a paddle; either struggling to paddle upstream with their hands (including the disease that comes with it), or just goin' with the shit flow... the shit's getting faster... I hope that isn't a shitfall... uh-oh...

My perception of society depresses me sometimes. ^^;

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I spent all of last week laid out with viral gastroenteritis (commonly known as stomach flu). I did not pass go, I did not collect $100. I stayed the hell home and took care of myself after the diagnosis by the doctor. Exhaustion, digestive "distress," lots of fun symptoms. Fortunately (and this is where I'm probably a very lucky person), I have a boss and a company that supports work-from-home and doesn't take the approach of "not on site, it's a sick day." So long as I was able to accomplish most of my tasks, they don't care where I am. That didn't used to be the case in my old role. And I can see other jobs (teachers, folks who are living on a much more constrained budget than my own) or employers having a no-tolerance stance on the idea of remote work (call centers are notorious for this), so I can see how @Johanna Waya and @Lucyfish have had an entirely different experience and level of stress than myself.


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Yep, and while having life crippling OCD, this really bothers me. I had to put up with it when I went through school and it was awful, but I've gotten a lot worse since then. Being around sick people makes me very anxious, to the point where I will practically hold my breath as long as I can or take short breaths while using my shirt or hand as a shitty makeshift filter. If they are bad enough to vomit, I will get the fuck out of the vicinity like a bat out of hell. This is one of the many reasons I'm afraid of the world.

It's also really stupid on the employer's part, because making your customers sick is, ya know, a really bad idea... They can even take you to court I think.

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Frankly there's not really that many accomodations if you do miss school/work anyways. I got a heavy fever during my midterms and couldn't take them, but as a result I ended up behind in my classes, my final exam was worth double in some classes because i was still too sick to take a makeup midterm, and in general when i restarted the semester i had a really difficult time staying on track because at some point you end up in schedules that don't accommodate for health problems. I really did try to stay healthy but all it took was just going to the gym and not realizing I may have been around someone who was also sick, and the next thing I knew I had a cough and then was having fever dreams. 

I go back and forth on this because sometimes schedule aren't built around you being human. It's around you being able to do your job. This creates a lot of moral dilemmas in the end.

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I praise Odin every day for an immune system that has kept me illness free since Bush was in office.

I did get appendicitis during finals week my second year of uni though. I just smoked a looooot of weed to dull the pain until that was over and then went to the hospital the day after my last final.

I'm fully aware of how dangerous that was but whatever.

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I've kind of noticed weed makes you a little oblivious to dangers - real or imagined-, in my experience. "Whatevs, it'll be okay," is an attitude I could do with.

I am an Auxiliary Nurse in the public healthcare sector and you get three periods of sickness before you have to start going to meetings and your job is at risk. I had tonsillitis ten times in a year. Now, in England, you need to have it six times before they will take them out, so I was in danger of losing my job. Lucky for me, I had an understanding boss that fought my corner with HR, but not everybody has that.

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OT: I once went to work feeling sick, not the contagious kind of sick. I mean, I woke up that morning feeling off, but I didnt want to call in for work because it seemed like something I could get over and power through. Fast forward and I go to pick up a heavy object and that just saps my energy, I cant stand or see and Im shaking. Bluh.

Thing is, I wanted to get paid, and I wanted to not take a day off at the risk of it making me seem like Im some lazy worker. But hey, nearly passing out is a good sign to your coworkers as any to get voluntary work off.

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I mostly agree with OP but sometimes employers are assholes, too.

On a side note, I fucking hate when people blow their noses in public. I mean, they have a right to do so, my problem is that they don't wash their fucking hands. You're all an ebola crisis waiting to happen.

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I mostly agree with OP but sometimes employers are assholes, too.

On a side note, I fucking hate when people blow their noses in public. I mean, they have a right to do so, my problem is that they don't wash their fucking hands. You're all an ebola crisis waiting to happen.

There are sinks on every corner of Stockholm, huh? :P

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