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I understand now


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I understand now many of you dont like me because i dont know, because i am annoying or because of my spelling.

And to make you all happy i am probably gonna delete my profile or just log out.

Because i really thought people would accept me how i am and  like me how i am and  seems like its wrong.

It looks like nobody really likes me. Well it doesnt bother me if people are against me.


Edited by Nova
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Hate is overly strong. But I will tell you that it's hard to win friends to your cause or point of view if you have difficulty functioning in the primary manner of communication for the culture you are addressing. In this case, that is text and English.

Look, I don't know if English isn't your primary language and I won't assume one way or the other. What I will tell you is that taking some time to write well, reviewing what you've written before you hit "Submit Reply" and watching the writing styles of the regulars around here will do you a world of good. No, this is not a place that accepts everyone "just because," but you can do a lot to win favor just by communicating in a way that's understandable. Maybe you think it is, but ... it isn't. I'm sorry, but it's just not. At minimum you need to take more time to compose yourself.

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If you think people hate you because of the language barrier you have serious insecurity issues. No one hates you but some do see it as a weakness, just work on your English and you'll be fine. Keep things very basic, short and to the point, will help.   

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Hey no, don't stop posting. Nobody here wants you to leave. 

I mean who cares if you're annoying? Everybody can be annoying from time to time, and even if you do annoy some of the people here they hardly find you annoying enough to want you to leave. On the spelling thing, your posts can be sort of incoherent sometimes - but as you said in another thread English isn't your first language so that isn't your fault. Just keep posting and it'll probably improve quite a lot.

Most people here really don't mind you at all - they're fine with you staying here and won't kick up a fuss - so don't worry about annoying anyone because most people are totally ok with you being here. If you really feel that you want to leave then that's your own personal decision, you do what you choose. But I strongly encourage you to stay.

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I noticed your posts being hard to read back on FAF...I thought it was odd at first before I actually looked into the reason why. I was worried people would get on your case for that because they didn't bother to check that you weren't a native speaker, I figured people would end up being mean for that reason.

That said, don't take it personally dude, I'm sure in a few years you could learn English if you make attempts to. The only reason I'd see people really getting mad is if you're just here butchering the language and not making attempts to learn, it doesn't make you sound intelligent and I'm sure you are well enough.

ahhh...anyways, nobody here hates you, they're just a bunch of pompous grammar Nazis and bad grammar can be an eyesore. Please don't leave!

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Who actually was Sylox? I'd stopped posting on FAF by the time all that happened.

...a guy who hated himself for being bi, hated stereotypically gay people or just gay people in general, the type of guy who would call out sluts but complains how he cant get laid, says he likes guys better than girls because girls are always catty. A guy who likes guys more but wont want them because he wants a 'normal' life with a woman and having biological children. A hypocrite who dislikes other fetishes but is a macro enthusiast himself. Overall...just a hypocrite that makes tons of contradictory statements.

I hate to hate people, and I don't think I hate him, but he dug himself into a hole with his verbal nonsense around the forums. As much as he said he'd been willing to improve he hadn't made any indication to, unfortunately.

He hasn't seemed to come back though, so I guess that's good for him and everyone else. I was starting to worry because there was some major near-cyber-bullying going on, and it's better he stay off the internet, probably.

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I understand now many of you dont like me because i dont know, because i am annoying or because of my spelling.

And to make you all happy i am probably gonna delete my profile or just log out.

Because i really thought people would accept me how i am and  like me how i am and  seems like its wrong.

It looks like nobody really likes me. Well it doesnt bother me if people are against me.


Ok..look...no one here hates you. I especially don't hate you. 

Can you be annoying? Yes.
Is your spelling and grammar bad? Yes.

Sure, you're not good at it, but hey, English is a bitch of a language. But honestly, what's really irksome is how some of us can't tell if you're shit posting or not. That can confuse a bunch of us. 
And obviously it does bother you so please don't phish for attention. That's even more annoying.

In short, none of us hate you, and none of us dislike you. You're not that special.


And life goes on.

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I don't encourage bad grammar at all but I don't know why people (especially native english speakers) get so analfisted when people have bad grammar/spelling or make typos.

You have brains. Try using them as well as a little bit of imagination to look past the errors. It's what I do.

Edited by Sir Gibby
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Near? :P

Some of them claimed it wasnt cyber bullying and was just good ol' FAF "tough love". There was a debate whether it was or not. I still think they went out of their way for that though, so it was practically cyber bullying (even though Sylox said a bunch of dumb shit that warranted antagonistic responses)

At least FAF is not a hugbox and neither a harassment zone. So when things get too far there will be debate, mob-mentality tends to be bad, be it hugbox or cyber-bullying. Differing values tend to keep a healthy balance.


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Just look at your community reputation and my community reputation. You're better than me. I think I stopped caring about people liking me, I hate people in general. 

i'm pretty sure community rep has more to do wth the frequency that you post, not how much people actually like you, lol

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