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(FA) Mass posting spam shouts in a bid to gain watchers - How do you feel about this?


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A bit of an odd topic, so I apologize in advance if this isn't even appropriate.

Anyway, I don't think I'll put in the user's name, but a certain someone with a Yoshi avatar has been posting spam comments on hundreds upon hundreds of people's profiles all over FA since about a week or two ago in a stunt to gain watchers. He copies and pastes the same comment which reads "*leaves a Yoshi plush and Yoshi shape cake here for you with a smile*" - I've noticed that since he started, that he has gained around 70 or so new watchers through doing this. Not much, but it is something. I should note that I've seen it in a few other users before, and not just this one I'm referring to in the post.

What do you guys think about this? Am I being too butt hurt? I just find it irritating, personally. He's shoehorning himself out there in an obnoxious way, and it just doesn't sit right with me. It just feels like a disingenuous method of gaining watchers.

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I don't see the problem. It sounds like he isn't pestering any one person specifically, just leaving one message on as many profiles as he finds. I'm not sure I would even call that spam because it doesn't really inconvenience anyone past a page shout.

Honestly it isn't that different from generic advertising.

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If it's just one per user, he isn't specifically pestering them, but leaving a trace, much like when you go to thank for favs and watches in hope that more visitors will see your avatar/message and decide to click on your page: given it's FA were talking about, it's either this or the ads to expand your audience, and those are gradually getting inefficient. When you need to reach out to more people and the site doesn't give you good methods, you gotta work out some yourself.

It's more or less working in the same way as the Llama badges on DA, except maybe those are more "discreet" and can be seen only by the one who's recieving them. Granted though, not everyone tolerates random badges/shouts: a valid alternative solution to this er... "shout-wave" would actually be active on the site, fav things you like, and always remember to say "thanks" and "no prob" via shout; your avatar will be visible to others anyway.

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If it's just one per user, he isn't specifically pestering them, but leaving a trace, much like when you go to thank for favs and watches in hope that more visitors will see your avatar/message and decide to click on your page: given it's FA were talking about, it's either this or the ads to expand your audience, and those are gradually getting inefficient. When you need to reach out to more people and the site doesn't give you good methods, you gotta work out some yourself.

It's more or less working in the same way as the Llama badges on DA, except maybe those are more "discreet" and can be seen only by the one who's recieving them. Granted though, not everyone tolerates random badges/shouts: a valid alternative solution to this er... "shout-wave" would actually be active on the site, fav things you like, and always remember to say "thanks" and "no prob" via shout; your avatar will be visible to others anyway.

looooool, gradually inefficient? They've been near useless since the IMVU ad wave. YA WANT A 1 DOLLA IPHONE?

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As spamming goes, that's pretty benign, but it's still spamming.

Ideally, you should gain votes/likes/watches because you're doing something people enjoy, and not because you've rigged the system.

Hell, I even feel uncomfortable when friends say "vote for my poetry!" or "vote me the best barber in Poodlepunk County!" when I haven't observed their work myself, because you should win that kind of contest because you were the best, and not because you had more friends than the other contestants.

Edited by Troj
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A bit of an odd topic, so I apologize in advance if this isn't even appropriate.

Anyway, I don't think I'll put in the user's name, but a certain someone with a Yoshi avatar has been posting spam comments on hundreds upon hundreds of people's profiles all over FA since about a week or two ago in a stunt to gain watchers. He copies and pastes the same comment which reads "*leaves a Yoshi plush and Yoshi shape cake here for you with a smile*" - I've noticed that since he started, that he has gained around 70 or so new watchers through doing this. Not much, but it is something. I should note that I've seen it in a few other users before, and not just this one I'm referring to in the post.

What do you guys think about this? Am I being too butt hurt? I just find it irritating, personally. He's shoehorning himself out there in an obnoxious way, and it just doesn't sit right with me. It just feels like a disingenuous method of gaining watchers.

I would be putting a boot up the spammer's rear off of the site.... Nuff said.


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EDIT: Goddamn, that boy is infamous. lmao 


Oh hell, he better not get on my page...

But seriously...he was (maybe still) SOOO annoying! Harmless. Yes. But obnoxious? OFF THE CHARTS!

I remember back on FAF when he'd get mad when people attempted to help him improve his art. All his responses were so....

UGHHH. Insulting people left and right.

I just wanted to:



Edited by Vaer
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Kinda reminds me of people who spam others with llama badges on DeviantART. They're clearly only doing it so that people will check out their profile. I get pissed off when I receive a llama and the person expects to get one back.

I turned off the badge notifications on DA long ago. They're shit anyway.

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Well, uh. I can't say I've ever heard of this Yoshimaster guy before.

... Kinda think I should keep it that way though

Oh, yeah. The dude posted a journal today acting surprised and thanking people for reaching over 600 watchers. Gee, I wonder how that happened. :v

Edited by Azurex
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Wouldn't really care, as long as it was limited to a single shout / profile comment, and not every fucking submission and stuff. (That would earn someone a block real damn quick.)
Or multiple on the same gallery.

I find it kind of... annoyingly childish,
but it's pretty harmless.

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You're right, should've fixed my post xP I was still thinking of the pre-IMVU period.

In the before times, in the long, long ago...

Now everyone has adblock on :'D I have Ghostery, ABP, Adguard, and AVG do not track ALWAYS ON for FA, because fuck their malicious ads. When their ads wiggle around my ABP, Adguard usually nips them in the bud, if Ghostery and AVG didn't already before that.

It's about the same level of annoyance as people writing "FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XDXDDXXDDXDXXD" in journals and artworks. Just tell them to fuck off, life goes on and the world keeps turning.



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In the before times, in the long, long ago...

Now everyone has adblock on :'D I have Ghostery, ABP, Adguard, and AVG do not track ALWAYS ON for FA, because fuck their malicious ads. When their ads wiggle around my ABP, Adguard usually nips them in the bud, if Ghostery and AVG didn't already before that.

It's seriously stupid to NOT have Adblock nowadays.

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In the before times, in the long, long ago...

Now everyone has adblock on :'D I have Ghostery, ABP, Adguard, and AVG do not track ALWAYS ON for FA, because fuck their malicious ads. When their ads wiggle around my ABP, Adguard usually nips them in the bud, if Ghostery and AVG didn't already before that.

Noscript (or whatever its Chrome counterpart is) is also something useful to have,
since it stops a lot of the background processes that deliver those ads and try to infect your browser / computer.

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Don't mind if I do, Rat moms are in my comfort pallete~

Oh maiiiiiiii

hqdefault (1).jpg

Noscript (or whatever its Chrome counterpart is) is also something useful to have,since it stops a lot of the background processes that deliver those ads and try to infect your browser / computer.

I had that on my Macbook...I knew I was forgetting an extension. Thanks!

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There are two types of watchers.

One that just watch you out of impression but never really care afterward.

And another that continue to follow what you upload.

You can be desperate all you want but a good and stable fanbase is much better than the one that is made up of a bunch of people who might end up harming you and your art in the future.

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