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Why doesn't the fandom have a whole animation community?


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The furry fandom is known for its creativity on things such as art, comics, literature, and even music. However, there doesn't seem to be a community within the fandom in regards to animation. In fact, you see even more animations by bronies than you do for furries, though there are a select few examples such as the Die Young animation from Viv M, and the Furry Force series by College Humor. Maybe we'll one day see a boom for furries in animated form by the fandom.

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Animation takes a lot of time and effort. Most people that enjoy animating are spending their time studying and practising it, and probably don't have time to make what they please, when they please.

I know several people that got into animation, and they're swamped with work pretty often. If they ever produce something to share, it's normally going to be for a project, and most probably going to example humans. Can't blame them, too - Why would they wanna share their furry interests with their school? :v

...Also the human body is just a lot more useful for studies and projects than furfag boners.

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There's already a community for people who like to animate animal characters: it's called the animation industry.

Sure, the way we design characters is very different from the way the furry fandom does (a lot of it is just training and preference), but there's already animated stories that scratch that general itch. The interest people have in anthropomorphic animals and furry characters has some overlap but it's generally only one way. So I don't think it's a niche that people feel needs to be filled: not so much animation with furry characters, just storytelling with furry characters through animation.

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There is, it's just all porn.

Bad porn*

But to be serious, quality animation takes a lot of work. I wouldn't expect a large increase in hand drawn work anytime. That one werewolf music video that got popular took that artist a month. Mainly because she actually cared about quality (and I also think it was a college project).

Edited by XoPachi
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Hey,do you know Tim Weeks, creator of Savestate? He has a pretty good art style and he's done a few small scale animations that are VERY good.

I could link them (http://www.furaffinity.net/full/14962576/ http://www.furaffinity.net/full/14962368/


e's got some featured in his comics, and ads. I saw one ad for a card game that I immediately recognized as his style on the front page of FA (http://www.furaffinity.net/full/15921414/)

It might not be the full scale plot-driven, with voice actors type animation youre looking for, but his are great!

(Also, for pr0ns you have PalmerianFire who uses a program to animate some people's commissions, and of coure the dance-y avatars)

Its not nonexistant, y'know

Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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Animation takes a lot of time and effort. Most people that enjoy animating are spending their time studying and practising it, and probably don't have time to make what they please, when they please.

I know several people that got into animation, and they're swamped with work pretty often. If they ever produce something to share, it's normally going to be for a project, and most probably going to example humans. Can't blame them, too - Why would they wanna share their furry interests with their school? :v

...Also the human body is just a lot more useful for studies and projects than furfag boners.

Also the fact there's a good reason there's a lot more human animation than furry combined. Considering i've seen a lot of animation quality stuff from tumblr and other art sites that takes quite a long time. So it's time-consuming since it's not that simple with 2D animations.

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Bad porn*

But to be serious, quality animation takes a lot of work. I wouldn't expect a large increase in hand drawn work anytime. That one werewolf music video that got popular took that artist a month. Mainly because she actually cared about quality (and I also think it was a college project).

If we're thinking about the same video, then that had to have taken way longer than a month for her to do. She also had help.

Kesha, Die Young vid, right?

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If we're thinking about the same video, then that had to have taken way longer than a month for her to do. She also had help.

Kesha, Die Young vid, right?

I have no idea to be completely honest. And you're right now that I think about it. I was thinking about an animation my friend did recently that was a bit simpler. But even still, if it took even LONGER...damn son.

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No one pays for such or gives the fame people see so they resort to small crappy MLP porno cartoons or Terrible Furry porn shorts that make you cringe with their low quality and huge page hit number. I'm all for popularity and such but over shitty animation as if its worth something I can't really understand how that is FAP worthy or worth sharing.

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The furry fandom is known for its creativity on things such as art, comics, literature, and even music. However, there doesn't seem to be a community within the fandom in regards to animation. In fact, you see even more animations by bronies than you do for furries, though there are a select few examples such as the Die Young animation from Viv M, and the Furry Force series by College Humor. Maybe we'll one day see a boom for furries in animated form by the fandom.

This is what I am hoping to do in the very near future. 

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