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RAVE: Diagnosis


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So, we have always known our son is special needs. Problem is, knowing is not enough. It has to be proven by medical science (obviously). Although the signs were there from the age of 1, he couldn't be assessed until age 5. 

After countless appointments at 3 different child psychology and development clinics (yes 3 different ones, working with each other via phone/email to discuss findings) we finally have the answer to what we knew all along. ADD/ADHD and ODD. 

We also suspected Aspergers but thankfully that was ruled out. Yay :3 

So Leo, now age 6 will finally start treatment at the end of November. It was music to our ears and it made us cry with joy/relief. The last few years have been hell and we look forward to giving our son the chance for a brighter future. 

Edited by GemWolf
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right on! good on you for taking the steps to figure all that out, it's way too easy to just wish that there was nothing wrong and do fuck all about it... now your kid has the opportunity to excel. it's gotta be scary to worry about your own child when you want nothing but the best for them.

my nephew is waiting for an appointment with a pediatrician over some undefined issue, it seems to be autism or something along those lines, but it has been scaring the living shit out of my sister. it'll be awesome when she knows what she needs to do to look after him. my sister is an kick-ass mom, but she doesn't know what to do, and she absolutely needs to know how to deal with him.

Edited by Wrecker
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It's always good to get a definitive diagnosis. Then, you can learn how to manage and treat the problem, and where to go for advice ^.^

I found out last week after (though be it a very quick and painless week or so of testing and waiting) that I have IBS. That in itself sucks, but knowing why what was happening was happening is a good thing. Now I've been pointed in the right direction for what foods to avoid. And I got pills to help with some of the symptoms. And another cool thing is that friends have been linking me online articles and resources they thought I might find helpful (which I think is really sweet of them).

So it's good to know. Here's wishing your son all the best for the future.

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right on! good on you for taking the steps to figure all that out, it's way too easy to just wish that there was nothing wrong and do fuck all about it... now your kid has the opportunity to excel. it's gotta be scary to worry about your own child when you want nothing but the best for them.

my nephew is waiting for an appointment with a pediatrician over some undefined issue, it seems to be autism or something along those lines, but it has been scaring the living shit out of my sister. it'll be awesome when she knows what she needs to do to look after him. my sister is an kick-ass mom, but she doesn't know what to do, and she absolutely needs to know how to deal with him.

thank you :3 and yes I agree it is easy just wish/hope things are alright but at the end of the day you need to wake up and see sense. 

I hope is well for your nephew, poor little guy. My best wishes to you, your sister and family. 

It's always good to get a definitive diagnosis. Then, you can learn how to manage and treat the problem, and where to go for advice ^.^

I found out last week after (though be it a very quick and painless week or so of testing and waiting) that I have IBS. That in itself sucks, but knowing why what was happening was happening is a good thing. Now I've been pointed in the right direction for what foods to avoid. And I got pills to help with some of the symptoms. And another cool thing is that friends have been linking me online articles and resources they thought I might find helpful (which I think is really sweet of them).

So it's good to know. Here's wishing your son all the best for the future.

answers a great aren't they? it means getting treatment and thank for that. 

Sorry to hear about your condition. My partner has IBS so I know how troublesome it can be. I wish you all the best.  

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Ya know, that wasn't funny or very nice. Why would you say something like that?

Because he's Brass.

I'm glad to hear things are going well, and sorry you had to go through so much trouble to get a diagnosis. Three different clinics, wow. At least it takes a lot of trouble off your mind.

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ADD/ADHD/ODD is way, way, WAY overdiagnosed.

Almost every symptom of these is recorded normal behavior for children for the past couple thousand years.

I suggest getting yet another opinion. Pumping your kid full of Amphetamines at the age of 6 (same age they started pumping me full of them) is an almost-guaranteed path to having ones brain as fucked as mine.

I was diagnosed with ADD and put on adderall, and whatever was big before that, when I was young. I still use it today and can't help but feel like I wouldn't be where I am today without it. While I can't say it's been all roses, I feel the overall result has been positive.

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That sounds like all children when they don't get what they want. 

yeah no. ODD is a real disorder.

yeah, all kids will be defiant at times, that's normal. However, a child with ODD is whole different ball game, trust me. It's easy to say that when you haven't experienced it. 

ADD/ADHD/ODD is way, way, WAY overdiagnosed.

Almost every symptom of these is recorded normal behavior for children for the past couple thousand years.

I suggest getting yet another opinion. Pumping your kid full of Amphetamines at the age of 6 (same age they started pumping me full of them) is an almost-guaranteed path to having ones brain as fucked as mine.

I know you mean well, but honestly you have no damn idea. 

The last thing I wanted to do was drug my kid. ADD/ADHD runs in my family so I recognised the signs early. We have tried everything. Diet, fish oils, natural herb medications, behavioural classes (for both kids AND parents in case we were to blame) he has seen 3 child psychologists, the school counselling dr, my own psychologist and a highly recommended pedestrian who ALL came to the same diagnosis. So, thanks but I think I have my son, my family and my wallet through enough grief. 

A lot of kids may be over diagnosed, but my son is not one of them. I fact he had a sever case and quite honestly, we were at the end of our rope. My partner and I nearly separated over it too.  

This. Ten bucks says they're going to sooner or later use it as an excuse to be a piece of shit. 

I'm not even gonna...

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In the past, I've been skeptical of ODD as a diagnosis, because it did strike me as, "Kid is defiant and bratty, because :::shrug::::."

But, I've come across some interesting genetic and neurological research on ODD and CD kids that suggest that they may just be incorrigible by nature---and even more, giving a name to that personality type/behavior cluster has led to some worthwhile developments in actual interventions for those kids, so cheers to that.

I'll be interested to hear what the shrinks have to say, Gem.

I reckon you will at least get some psychoed on how to set clear, consistent boundaries, expectations, and contingency plans with Leo, since these kids typically benefit from structure and consistency.

Edited by Troj
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In the past, I've been skeptical of ODD as a diagnosis, because it did strike me as, "Kid is defiant and bratty, because :::shrug::::."

But, I've come across some interesting genetic and neurological research on ODD and CD kids that suggest that they may just be incorrigible by nature---and even more, giving a name to that personality type/behavior cluster has led to some worthwhile developments in actual interventions for those kids, so cheers to that.

I'll be interested to hear what the shrinks have to say, Gem.

I reckon you will at least get some psychoed on how to set clear, consistent boundaries, expectations, and contingency plans with Leo, since these kids typically benefit from structure and consistency.

thanks sweetheart xx 

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Do not let your doctor ruin your child's mind and hormones with absurd amounts of medication like my doctor did to me. Keep their doses low until they at least hit 16, no matter what your doctor tells you.

Childhood ADHD treatment is a very broken system right now, and your child will thank you when they are an adult and do not have severe brain damage caused by absurd amounts of ADHD medication. Some drugs to avoid that might be offered are Vyvanse and Concerta. These drugs work fine for adults with ADHD but they are known to cause a good amount of damage to developing children, including brain damage, malnutrition, and stunted growth. I was 4 feet tall and 85 pounds until I was 16, when I stopped taking the meds.

Edited by Lucyfish
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Do not let your doctor ruin your child's mind and hormones with absurd amounts of medication like my doctor did to me. Keep their doses low until they at least hit 16, no matter what your doctor tells you.

Childhood ADHD treatment is a very broken system right now, and your child will thank you when they are an adult and do not have severe brain damage caused by absurd amounts of ADHD medication. Some drugs to avoid that might be offered are Vyvanse and Concerta. These drugs work fine for adults with ADHD but they are known to cause a good amount of damage to developing children, including brain damage, malnutrition, and stunted growth. I was 4 feet tall and 85 pounds until I was 16, when I stopped taking the meds.

my son will have the same medication I have. I started taking Ritalin when I was 6 and I'm now 32 with no damage, side effects etc. I have a good paying job and the smarts of Einstein. (Exaggerated) 

No idea on the ADHD progress where you are from, but it's certainly not broken here in Australia. 

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my son will have the same medication I have. I started taking Ritalin when I was 6 and I'm now 32 with no damage, side effects etc. I have a good paying job and the smarts of Einstein. (Exaggerated) 

No idea on the ADHD progress where you are from, but it's certainly not broken here in Australia. 

Hopefully smaller doses then, I hope?

Over here I was on over 70mg a day at age 11. Which is completely absurd. Adults take that much to get high.

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I've seen how the right dosage of the right medication can actually allow someone to learn coping strategies and unlock their potential without constantly having to wrestle with a chemical imbalance.

I've also seen how the wrong medication or the wrong dosage can cause serious damage (in the form of side effects, permanent health effects, and/or chemical dependence) and/or mask the actual underlying problem.

So, medication is neither good nor evil; it's merely a tool that can be applied well or poorly in a given situation.

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Hopefully smaller doses then, I hope?

Over here I was on over 70mg a day at age 11. Which is completely absurd. Adults take that much to get high.


JESUS H CHRIST!!!! That is OUTRAGEOUS! No wonder you have concerns. Hey look I have new found respect for you now. Bloody hell. In Australia, the highest legal does for Ritalin (no matter the age) is 30mg. When I was first diagnosed at 6 and half, I was only a small 3mg dose. Then when I reached 9 it was increased to 5mg, and then at age 15 it was increased to 10mg and finally at age 18 I was put on 20mg. I stayed at 20mg for a good long while. When I turned 23, my dr decided to give me the max does of 30mg, however this ended up giving me the shakes really really badly - I mean I looked like I was getting parkinsons disease the amount of shaking I was doing. I went back to my dr and said that i wanted to go back to 20mg as it had always served me well and I didn't feel the need to change this. I am still on 20mg to this day.

Don't worry hun. My son's health and well being is very very important to me and I will be monitoring his reactions and progress throughout his entire treatment until he becomes and adult. I have been, and will continue to follow media on any findings and changes regarding ADHD treatment and drs will certainly hear me if I do not approve on any of their methods.

I have never been afraid to tell drs what I think of them. E.g When my daughter was only 7 days old, I had to rush her to hospital because she became deathly ill. She was immediately put in intensive care and drs feared she would not make it through the first night. They suspected meningitis and tried to give her a lumbar puncture. They kept missing their mark. I lost count of how many times they tried this, but my partner and I were in tears seeing how much pain and distress they were putting her though that I demanded they stop. Naturally they argued that it must be done, but i was like "I don't give a shit right now. She is a week old and you have been stabbing her spine for the last 45 minutes now. Not even an adult would last that long! I am her mother and i am telling you THIS STOPS NOW. Try again tomorrow if you must, but if you stab that needle in my baby's back one more time I am gonna stab you where the sun doesn't shine with it". That seemed to do the trick. Drs were scared shitless of me after that and made sure I knew everything they were doing to my baby. It turned out she didn't actually need another lumbar puncture, they found what made her sick from a simple blood test. It was a nasty bacteria that came from flood waters that year (she was born during a major flood in my state).

Anyway I am rambling. Just wanted to let you know that I a mom not to be messed with, if i feel that something is doing more harm to my child than good - my god I will stand my ground.

it's good to know what you're dealing with and what you can do about it.  just be careful, and i hope things improve for y'all.

Cheers Gator :3

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Sorry if I came off as a nosy bitch, it's just that ADHD treatments in children are something I'm like, super paranoid about because of my past. My 17 year old younger brother is on 70mg of Concerta a day and has been all throughout high school and that shit worries the hell out of me. My parents aren't the "learn from your mistakes" type of people.

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Walking it off didn't help then?

pmsl - ooooops

Sorry if I came off as a nosy bitch, it's just that ADHD treatments in children are something I'm like, super paranoid about because of my past. My 17 year old younger brother is on 70mg of Concerta a day and has been all throughout high school and that shit worries the hell out of me. My parents aren't the "learn from your mistakes" type of people.

oh no no it's fine I understand :3

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Holy hell! What the hell kind of doctors have you guys had!?

I'm in America too, but I think I started out around 5-10mg and I haven't gone past 30 at any point. I'm currently sitting at 25mg twice a day, having worked with my doctor to feel out the best point for me through gradual increases/decreases. Ritalin was indeed the name of the older one I was thinking of.



Another FYI - Psychology is becoming a rapidly-discredited field. Starting with the fall of Freud a few years ago and an attempt to reproduce the 'best' psychological 'studies' which ended up being totally unreproducible shortly thereafter.

There's a reason we call psychology a soft science right alongside economics.


Psychology is a broad field. Freud hasn't been considered anything but pop-psych for decades now. That sterotypical "lay down on the couch and talk stuff" is a whole other kind of psychology and I make no excuses for their soft methods and poor methodology, though. More counseling that science.


However, Bio-psychology and Neuro-psychology are legitimate sciences that work to establish proper links between disease symptoms and physical causes. They are softer than, say, Population Genetics, but they are nothing like economics. Although, microeconomics is fairly well established much more sound than macro-economics, which are what are generally thought of when people think of economics. Macro-economics is definitely soft.

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After countless appointments at 3 different child psychology and development clinics (yes 3 different ones, working with each other via phone/email to discuss findings) we finally have the answer to what we knew all along. ADD/ADHD and ODD. 

I sincerely applaud you on getting multiple professional opinions in order to help your son. Many would have just relied on tradition or advice from the internet instead of actually seeking treatment. I hope it's smooth sailing for you and your family from here on.

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Bio and Neuro are like the only evidence-based studies out there versus pretty much every other field of psychological study.

Sadly, Ritalin and Adderall were out and pushed well before those particular fields were ever thought of as even having some sort of legitimacy, given the hugely meta nature of psychology.

Evidence is quickly growing against the Ritalin/Adderall method of proscription in treating young children. Now that we've got a few decades of a medicated test population to study, the findings are becoming rather clearly dismal. The long-term consequences are far outweighing the possible benefits.

For dosages like those, I can believe it. But, for a sane dose like mine, I'm a bit more skeptical.

Still, I have to wonder what sort of doctors were prescribing you guys these levels! My process was a short evaluation by some manner of psychological councilor who then turned over to my regular the pediatric doctor who decided the dosage, the regiment, and re-prescription. The councilor was only involved once or twice at a couple "formative years" and even then they never were the ones to prescribe.

Was your process similar? If I had to guess, I'd say it sounds like your psychologist had a much more direct role...

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Ding. By the time I was 12, at 110 pounds, I was taking 180mg+ of Adderall daily. At 16, that dosage was almost 300 mg daily.

Adults get high off a 30 mg pill which contains at most 18mg amphetamines.

No, you weren't.  You've previously claimed to have been born in 1982, Adderall wasn't on the market until 1996, so you couldn't have been prescribed any dosage of Adderall at age 12.

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Dextroamphetamine (which Aderall is, in levoamphetamine and the pure amphetamine base combination) was made in the 1800s. The amphetamine drugs were created in 1887 by a Romanian chemist by the name of Lazar Edeleanu in Germany.


Try again when you actually know your pharmacological history, okay? You are yet again clueless.

So, some doctor in 1994 was brewing up dextroamphetamine with a compounding pharmacy, cranking it up to dosages not even used for those with narcolepsy, using it without FDA approval, on a 12 year old child... When good old fashioned Ritalin was available and had been since the 1960's?  Yuh huh.

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The scary thing about drugs is that drug companies often have deals with doctors, at least here in 'Murica they do. Psychiatrists are probably the same deal. Saw some news report on it a while ago and it's definitely something that everyone should be aware of. You (@anyone reading, not just OP) should really get to know the medications you or your children are being prescribed and go with your gut if something seems off, especially if it's a new drug or the doctor seems uncertain about it. Always question the science behind something if it seems off.

Also worth a note, sometimes with drugs it's a big "trial and error" type of deal. Some things can be taken into consideration to figure out a correct dosage (age, body weight, overall health, other medications that may conflict, etc) but other things that throw it off (severity of illness, any immunity building up to the drug or some hidden variables). There is of course measurements that are clearly excessive like some of the above, but there's also a point where a dosage may need to be upped to keep the effect going. Most docs will go for the lowest dosage they think may have any effect and work from there, but some of course don't, which is why it's important to know what's reasonable and what's not.

OP, you seem to be aware of all of the dangers, so many kudos to you for really taking everything into consideration. I really wish most parents did that. I feel badly for the others who have posted here saying they didn't have such luck. 3: I bet you a lot of the cases where these types of disorders are misdiagnosed are simply parents not being able to handle their kids being normal and begging docs to do something about them, which is absolutely horrible. I was a difficult kid compared to most, but I'm very grateful to my parents for not going the drug route when they very well could have because I could be worse off or dependent on these drugs at my age instead of mostly in control of myself. I was on Paxil briefly for depression, but since it wasn't helping me much they just took me off of it completely instead of upping the dosage. My psychiatrist at the time didn't want to risk going for more and neither did my parents.

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Yes. Quit thinking the world operates like Canada and realize different states in the USA can have different allowable medical practices to some degree.

This was in Texas. Compounding pharmacies are still in operation, all over the place. There are four in my home town alone still in operation (there used to be more.)

Texas Pharmacy Law does not specify a days supply or quantity limit for c-ll prescriptions. Texas does specify a C-ll prescription must be filled within 21 days of issuance or the earliest fill date. Texas Pharmacy law mirrors federal with respect to the issuance of multiple C-ll prescriptions.

Shall I continue with the supplemental foreign education?

Yuh huh.

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Yes. Quit thinking the world operates like Canada and realize different states in the USA can have different allowable medical practices to some degree.

This was in Texas. Compounding pharmacies are still in operation, all over the place. There are four in my home town alone still in operation (there used to be more.)

Texas Pharmacy Law does not specify a days supply or quantity limit for c-ll prescriptions. Texas does specify a C-ll prescription must be filled within 21 days of issuance or the earliest fill date. Texas Pharmacy law mirrors federal with respect to the issuance of multiple C-ll prescriptions.

Shall I continue with the supplemental foreign education?

Ok, this is getting weird. I started on it in Texas, too. (Although, I didn't start life in Texas.)

Schedule II drugs, of which these are classified, are also enforced in Canada under a different Act as part of International Drug trafficking treaties, however. The do not allow for refills, but it specifies nothing about quantity of prescription because it is supposed to regulate trafficking, not dosage.



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Anybody giving a child amphetamines should be smacked, hard, with a steel shovel, upside the head, REPEATEDLY.

Honestly, you are not a Dr, so please stop acting like one. 

Gem gives their child crack and doesn't feel bad. I hope he gets the good shit that lets him count all the hairs on his body without getting bored. 

Brass - just shut up. 

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ITT tails gets trolled and Ashley reaffirms their position of ultra faggot. Gem gives their child crack and doesn't feel bad. I hope he gets the good shit that lets him count all the hairs on his body without getting bored. 

Someone should turn this into a reality show

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Really dicey is when a client starts asking for medication because they seem to believe it'll magically fix their presenting problem without them having to do anything else, or when I'm presented with a child with issues of some sort or another, and the parents are in a tug-of-war with the teachers about whether or not to medicate the kid.

Rarely, you'll get the parent who is perhaps overly eager to medicate their kid, or a bit too acquiescent to the doctor's instructions, but I find most parents are more likely to be wary or skeptical of medication, actually, even in cases where the kid might really benefit from it.


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If you feel the one you're using now isn't very useful you should probably bring it up with your psychiatrist and talk about what else you can try. It's something of a process of elimination in my experience. How effective the drug is will vary from person to person so all they can do is recommend things that might help you and then find out to what extent they do.

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