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My office is full of immigrants!


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My office is full of immigrants and I can't stand it.  Even the guy who interviewed me had only been in this country for less than a year.  I mean, I get it, I get why they come here, escaping a nation of violence, political strife and 15 years of non-stop military conflict but this isn't where they belong!  Their jobs no longer exist in their country so they came to my country, they are taking jobs that could be filled by people from my own country!  The guy who works near my desk was telling me about how much money he saves because his wife us getting to use our healthcare system!  My taxes paid for his wife's healthcare and they aren't even citizens!  They celebrate some of our holidays but other holidays are at the wrong time of the year!  The government gives tax benefits just to bring these people into my country!

That's right, you understood me: My Canadian workplace is full of Americans!  Yankee Go Home!

Those people are filling this country with their people and culture.  They are displacing proper Canadian culture!  Their Ethnic restraints are everywhere!  There's literally there different Starbucks carrying ethnic food from America within four blocks of work!  They should confirm to our culture and enjoy Tim Hortons and if they want their ethnic food so bad, they can go back to where they came from!  I see Americans on TV all the time on Canadian TV channels!  Our news stations covers the American election more than the Canadian election in a clear attempt to cater to non-Canadian residents!  I have this suspicion that Americans might control the media even!  I can't prove it, but I think I can soon!

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Deport them

...or blow them up

I'm afraid of them.  They could be religious extremists.  I see them on American news, all 'Jesus This' and 'Bible That'.  They worship a text that is nothing but murder, violence and religious retribution!  Those people want some kind of 'Biblical Law' to control the land rather than a secular legal system!  They have guns and are want to take on the government, organizing into armed cells they call 'Militias' to prepare for government conflict! 

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Then your post makes no sense.  If anything, going to England would mean getting AWAY from American Immigrants!

It makes about as much sense as the title not being more specific; I took it to mean other cultures in general in your workplace and you using Yanks as your example.

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Not so! It's fun learning what a chav is and what going for a cheeky (insert food place here) means. :3 

Hahaha xD Although to be fair it should be shav these days, it's no longer council housing... social housing, seriously why did they bother changing it :P

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Been for a cheeky Nando's yet?

I've only been there once but I remember enjoy it, years ago.

Almost but it really looked very low quality. I did use its bathroom though. Also, it's kinda weird hearing fag all the time here and for it not to mean homosexual. Lol

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My department had to co-ordinate with an English group and an American group for one project. Oh my God, the tool on the American team. That's when I learned American's can talk forever without actually saying anything.

Ban the Yanks, keep our brevity pure.

Bitch don't go talking about brevity. We're not the ones adding extra 'u's to every fucking word.


Edited by PastryOfApathy
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On 14/11/2015 at 9:15 PM, PastryOfApathy said:

Bitch don't go talking about brevity. We're not the ones adding extra 'u's to every fucking word.

It was odd though. The English members of the group were as succinct as our boys, but they were almost apologetic about it. The Americans liked to use big words. It should not take one minute to say 'Yes, I agree'.

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How dare you, I am West Limey.

It was odd though. The English members of the group were as succinct as our boys, but they were almost apologetic about it. The Americans liked to use big words. It should not take one minute to say 'Yes, I agree'.

God's Country: Inches / Miles / Pounds

Filthy Euro Scum: "Centimeters" / "Kilometers" / "Kilograms"


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why is it that we're a part of america, yet people from the states have the exclusive rights to be called an 'american...' you're from north-america, we're way more north than you, and we burnt down your fucking whitehouse! :P


just kidding, though, love you all.

Edited by Wrecker
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