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What cheers you up?


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I might've made this thread on FAF, but I can't remember anymore.

So, maybe you're bored. Maybe you're feeling down or stressed or even lonely or whatever. What do you do to pass the time or lighten the mood? Anything you end up doing to distract yourself or feel better?

Let's get something going here. Maybe it'll help any of you people who are stuck for something fun to be doing.

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If I'm angry, I can blow off steam by heading down to the pistol range and sending 44¢ down the range every time I pull the trigger.

If I'm sad, spending time with my cats is a good way to cheer me up. My most recent rescue, Ulysses, is particularly good for seeking me out on the bed and snuggling up against me when I'm feeling down. He's a good buddy.


Get out of the dryer, Ulysses. You are not laundry, you are a cat.

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Cuddles make me feel better. Especially if someone ACTUALLY cares about my well-being. Like, if someone brings me soup when I'm sick, that'd make my fucking week. Or...ran me a bath or brought me a drink, it just makes my day. I remember when my girlfriend did that a couple times, just brought me a glass of water or something, I just felt heartrendingly touched. 


But I live alone, so puppy cuddles are the best I get <3 

He loves me unconditionally though, so that makes me feel better. 

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happy chiptune music (or something with New Age-esque synths in it)

I also like watching silly Let's Players occasionally. Mainly groups, though-- I feel group gaming channels do the best commentary.

I can't really play competitive games when I'm upset because I just end up deflecting my frustration at my opponent and I'm not usually a salty person. I love co-op games, though, and I will play them with somebody even if I'm not feeling my best.

I get my best inspiration for music when I'm sad or angry, and I guess the melodies I come up with reflect that... I'm challenging myself to be a happier composer sometimes. Mostly it's all just weird.


Talking with people I care about is a good way to loosen up my feelings, too-- even moreso if I can help them in some way.


I love listening to Dragon Quest orchestral suites, as well as playing the games. Now that VII and VIII are being localized for the 3DS, I have one less reason to be sad, so maybe I won't have to do that other stuff so much. It's important to be positive, right?

Edited by Eggdodger
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happy chiptune music (or something with New Age-esque synths in it)

I also like watching silly Let's Players occasionally. Mainly groups, though-- I feel group gaming channels do the best commentary.

I can't really play competitive games when I'm upset because I just end up deflecting my frustration at my opponent and I'm not usually a salty person. I love co-op games, though, and I will play them with somebody even if I'm not feeling my best.

I get my best inspiration for music when I'm sad or angry, and I guess the melodies I come up with reflect that... I'm challenging myself to be a happier composer sometimes. Mostly it's all just weird.


Talking with people I care about is a good way to loosen up my feelings, too-- even moreso if I can help them in some way.



Thanks. This has been a really interesting listen, and is something I've enjoyed.  

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Thanks. This has been a really interesting listen, and is something I've enjoyed.  


If you like that, Dragon Quest V and IX are both two games for the original DS that I consider two of the best entries into the series for a new player. VIII is an excellent choice as well if you have a working PS2.

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- Going outside (even only for chores and shoppings) when there's a nice sunny weather;
- Good music;
- Cute cat/dog/mice/any other animal videos;
- James Rolfe/Jontron videos playingin the background while I'm doing something else (most preferably while drawing);
- Talking with friends and boyfriend, either irl, on the phone or just online via text chat, either to rant or to talk about silly stuff;
- If what's upsetting me is actually a thing that can be solved, writing down a bulletlist on how to solve/organize it gives me a confidence boost;
- The company of my family, especially my parents. Most of the times I don't tell them what's upsetting me, I limit myself to reading/watching TV/playing boardgames with them, it's just their presence in the room that cheers me up.


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The spilt blood of my enemies...


Okay but for serious though, my job. Its something I lookforward to and feel accomplished with. And I get to see tons of different dogs and cats on a regular basis. Whenever I have a bad dayit cheers me up,because its almost living the dream.

That, and when a favorite or old song comes on the radio, makes it that much more special somehow.

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I like music and I like exercise! Lifting is great for venting frustration.

I like looking at birds, whether real ones outside or just photos online. Pigeons and hummingbrids are the cutest. X3

Hummingbirds are also tiny jerks, and I love that.

you're my new favorite person <3

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