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Satellite Internet


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I'm going to take a moment to rant about slow-ass satellite Internet and why it's the worst thing since Stalin. I was forcibly relocated to a new house on the other side of my town back in March. We went from the middle of town where we had awesome and fast Suddenlink DSL to a house in the woods where all we could get was HughesNET satellite Internet. It is hands down the worst Internet I have ever used. My grandma's dial-up connection was actually faster. I am so far behind on everything because of this fucking shit. I have a backlog of YouTube videos I need to watch going all the way back to March, plus I haven't uploaded anything on my channel in months. I've been burning through data on my family's cell phone plan using the hotspot to play games on Steam. Generally speaking, I can watch two episodes of any given show on Netflix per month. I hate HughesNET and the entire concept of satellite Internet with every fiber of my being. We ended up just going "Fuck it!" and paying Suddenlink $4,000 to run poles and cables to our house. They're supposed to finish up the installation tomorrow. It would have been today, but they scheduled us for the wrong time and we were out at the time. I'm so glad to finally be getting rid of this terrible Internet. For reference on how slow this goddamn shit is: I bought GTA V during Steam's Black Friday sale.  Started the download two days ago, and it's been going pretty much nonstop ever since. The game is 33% done downloading, and only then because the Internet gets a super boost between 2:00 AM and 6:00AM. Satellite is the worst.

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Ugh. HughesNet sucks swampy balls. They had it at the office here and not only was it slow as fuck you can't get an unlimited plan or even one with a high cap. I refuse to get one at home but there aren't many alternatives when living in the ass of nowhere. Fortunately this particular ass of nowhere has a single new 4g cell tower that happens to be close by. We use the phone and 4g for 100% of our internet. And no it's not cheap. 

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I just did a speedtest on my PC. 760 MS ping, .11 BPS, and it didn't even give me an upload or download speed. Sounds about right.


Update: .11 Mbps download speed, .39 Mbps upload. FML. -.-

Edited by Astrium
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Oh man I feel your pain! I remember back when my family had HughesNET and that wasn't the best choice. you could only do so much with 400mb, our daily download allowance. Also it would go out a lot in the winter. Dish proved to be more reliable by a long shot! I really hate satellite internet with a passion. 

Fortunately there's one more wireless option in my area thats pretty good compared to satellite. They use a radio tower system and it's pretty reliable most of the time, not to mention the speeds pretty alright for being in the mountains. 


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