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Lets play some Werewolf! (aka Mafia)


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19 minutes ago, Misomie said:

Vote Caledonian

A wolf is sure to lead the group in an early kill and will accuse for apparently no reason. Plus wolf in sheep's clothing.

Being fair, someone had to start shit. Otherwise, we'd be nowhere. The true trickery is being employed by you. 

Vote Misomie

(I'm playing now apparently, yay)

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1 hour ago, Luccus said:

@FenrirDarkWolf Why are you going with Caledonian despite him voting just to get things started?

But people have already voted for @Misomie and the accusation from his side seems suspicious enough.

Vote Misomie


*takes off his detective hat*

Because I'm tired

unvote Fossa boy

vote Misomie

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Day 1

It wasn't long after Kosha's death that wild accusations flew everywhere like arrows on a battlefield. One person who became the popular vote was Misomie. The village dragged her by the hair to a stump. One villager unsheathed his sword and decapitated her.

Misomie was lynched!


She was a Werewolf!

Day has ended! Send in your night actions!

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Night 1

After the beheading of Misomie, one of the villagers headed home. He was feeling quite tense from the event and needed to relax. He lit a fire and poured himself a nice cup of brandy. The crackling of the red hot logs caressed his eardrums. He was warm on the inside and the outside, from the brandy and the fire, respectively. It was relaxing, yet the contrast was quite noticeable. The villager was nodding off to sleep and just as his eyes closed, the sound of broken glass came from behind. The villager got up and turned around to see what it was. What he saw before him was a mass of hair tufts and snarling teeth: a Werewolf! The werewolf lifted his claw but was interrupted by a blinding light and someone shouting, "Stop!" The werewolf was terrified by this and ran away, whimpering. The villager looked around his cabin looking for the source of the light and who shouted, but his search was fruitless.

Someone was attacked, but it failed!

I'm also going to try and find a replacement for Zop.

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This is an interesting development...

I currently quite fear for my life, not knowing weather the villagers or the wolves are going to try and kill me first.

Anyway, reacting first again, will probably land me in peoples suspicions again, but given the time zone i am in, i still will. 

First off, let's analyze what happened this night. We killed a werewolf, which was a pretty lucky shot indeed. 

The werewolves probably want to eliminate the people that are dangerous to them, and Falafel pointed out misomies trickery. This makes me think falafel might have been a possible target this night.

The attempt failed, though, which must mean whoever was the victim was protected in one way or another, do we have a guardian angel at play?

Now as for my suspicions, i don't think a werewolf would have voted for their werewolf mates. Ignoring the people that seem to not actually be playing for now, there's three people who did not vote misomie.

Fossa boy, who voted for me even after i changed my vote away from him, and crazy lee and luccus, who didn't vote at all.


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Okay. So some thoughts I was having about the last day.

First off, no one died last night. So either the werewolf didn't select a victim for some reason (either couldn't choose anyone, or was AFK and didn't send a victim's name to kosha), or he or she was protected by a special role.

It's possible that Zop, who has been quiet this entire time, may be the other werewolf, and may have not selected a victim this last night. We could lynch him. However, if he is but a villager, if we lynch him, even just to get him out of the way, we may waste a lynching on a possible werewolf.

Now let's look at the people who voted for Misome to be lynched. Usually, people who are werewolves do not kill their own (it has happened rarely). So, the people who voted for misome are probably not werewolves.

That includes falaffel, cakedonian, fenrir, and luccus. These four are likely not werewolves, but stranger things have happened, so don't take your eyes off of them. The people who did not vote for Misome were Chrys, Zop (AFK), Wax, Fossa, and, even though this will make me look bad, myself. I didn't vote because I wanted to know who all was involved in this before I chose someone, and the whole thing where Misome was accused happened while I was away. I came back after she was lynched.


2 hours ago, Caledonian said:

This is an interesting development...

I currently quite fear for my life, not knowing weather the villagers or the wolves are going to try and kill me first.

If it makes you feel any better you are very low on my suspicions right now, so you have an ally on your side for the moment. Although I consider everyone suspect until I figure out otherwise.




Now as for my suspicions, i don't think a werewolf would have voted for their werewolf mates. Ignoring the people that seem to not actually be playing for now, there's three people who did not vote misomie.

Fossa boy, who voted for me even after i changed my vote away from him, and crazy lee and luccus, who didn't vote at all.



Five, actually, like I noted above. Myself, Chrys, Zop, Wax, and Fossa. I've already explained I was away (AFK) when Misome was accused. Luccus voted for Misome.

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Well as I said, I didn't want to vote until more people showed up, but then I wasn't around when the votes started going to Misomie.  I probably would have been against it too, thinking it was too rash a decision, but it looks like that's what it takes.  What a lucky shot.

And going on who voted yesterday, that gives us a better idea of who isn't a werewolf, at least.

Although there could also be some trickery in there, as well.  I wouldn't say that a werewolf couldn't have voted for Misomie.  For instance, Fenrir was the last to vote for Misomie, and at that point it was clear that they were going to get lynched anyway, so Fenrir could have just been doing that to cover his tracks.  I don't have any other reason to be suspicious of him yet, but I would just say we should keep our eyes open.

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14 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

  Luccus voted for Misome.

I stand corrected 

Let me look at the players.

1. FenrirDarkWolf

Has not given me any reason to suspect him, other than seemingly following me in my votes and seemingly just voting what the majority is voting.

2. Crazy Lee

Didn't vote last round, but also didn't vote anyone else. Possible he doesn't know who the werewolves are and his story is correct. Possibly tried to avoid misomies linching by not voting, though that'd be illogical, as misomies dead was inevitable.

3. Caledonian

This is myself, and therefore i do not suspect them.

4. Chrysocyon

Didn't vote. Similar case to crazy lee, but sais he would be against lynching misomie. Hmm. Wouldn't want your fellow to die, would you? Or is your story correct, and are you really just that careful?

5. Zop

Not here. Lynching him will make the game easier.

6. Misomie

 Werewolf lynched Day 1

7. Wax

Haven't seen him around much. Possibly playing underdog? Possibly just not online as much... but still, weird things come from the highlands of Scotland...that's a very dangerous joke for me to make, isn't it?

Must be said his remarks had little to do with the game too.

8. Luccus

Voted misomie and didn't give me much reason to suspect him.

9. Fossa-Boy

Voted for me, seemingly because i voted for him. But his vote didn't change when i changed away from him, what was his reason not too? Did i accidentally make the right decision when picking the fossa to get the votes started? Is that why both he and misomie wanted me to be lynched?

10. Falaffel

Set us up against misomie. That would be very strange for a werewolf to do. Probably not a wolf.



Vote fossa-boy

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So, all things considered, there's nothing much to play off of here. The only suspicious acts so far have been the no-votes. Not voting or being passive is a common trap werewolves fall into, not wanting to call attention to themselves. 

That said, vote Wax

I want to hear your side, @Wax

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I'm going to abstain for the moment, since the accusations seem to still be somewhat baseless. We're just choosing those who didn't vote (or voted for the wrong person) last round. I could always do the oh so sure option of voting for the one everyone else votes for like a good sheeple.

Oh yea, and just a thought, but if Zop really is the other werewolf, then if he's away he can't eat us during the night either, so nothing will happen either way. Werewolf or not he's harmless right now. I'd rather concentrate on the possibility of others being a werewolf.

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Firstly, I want to apologise for not contributing much to the progression of the game. I abstained from voting in the first round because I felt that the accusations being thrown around were pretty baseless, but in hindsight, I would have probably voted for Fossa boy as he was so quick to throw the accusations at Caledonian.

The main reason is I haven't been checking this thread much, nor reading the threads thoroughly enough to create a reasonable response to anything, but I didn't want Kosha to think that I'm not playing or anything. I guess all I can really do is say with absolute honesty that I'm not the werewolf and hope you can believe me, but if you do want to vote for me I can see where you're coming from.

Vote Fossa-boy Truthfully, I'd still like to not vote, but I think it would make me more suspicious in your eyes.

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5 hours ago, Caledonian said:

3. Caledonian

This is myself, and therefore i do not suspect them.

3. Caledonian

Voted for Fossa-Boy, but just to get things started. Changed her vote quickly after Falaffel voted for misomie.
Mistook me as not voting probably by accident. Uses her chance to review the situation to form opinions about certain people and votes for Fossa-boy again.


This is ... not much.


I'll wait - keeping an eye on FenrirDarkWolf because he changed his vote only after it wouldn't make an impact.

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2 minutes ago, Kosha said:

48 hours from the update.

I was actually hoping for an actual time... although I guess an actual time would depend on where you're located.

Since you posted that update at 4pm local time (or at least board time), I'm going to assume it will be tomorrow at 4pm local (or board) time.

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27 minutes ago, Luccus said:

I'll wait - keeping an eye on FenrirDarkWolf because he changed his vote only after it wouldn't make an impact.

Well, I had no reason to suspect Fossa anymore, I was just going along with Caledonian, because, between me and her, she's the more logical of us two.

...Even though her vote was completely devoid of logic and was just something to get things going.

And then I changed it after everyone else did because I sleep a lot and I didn't get back onto the forums after it.

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Just now, Crazy Lee said:

I was actually hoping for an actual time... although I guess an actual time would depend on where you're located.

Since you posted that update at 4pm local time (or at least board time), I'm going to assume it will be tomorrow at 4pm local (or board) time.


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5 hours ago, Wax said:

Firstly, I want to apologise for not contributing much to the progression of the game. I abstained from voting in the first round because I felt that the accusations being thrown around were pretty baseless, but in hindsight, I would have probably voted for Fossa boy as he was so quick to throw the accusations at Caledonian.

The main reason is I haven't been checking this thread much, nor reading the threads thoroughly enough to create a reasonable response to anything, but I didn't want Kosha to think that I'm not playing or anything. I guess all I can really do is say with absolute honesty that I'm not the werewolf and hope you can believe me, but if you do want to vote for me I can see where you're coming from.

Vote Fossa-boy Truthfully, I'd still like to not vote, but I think it would make me more suspicious in your eyes.

And I only voted you to force you to speak up. 
I did my job :3

Though, I see no reason to vote anyone Fossa over you or vice versa. All you really did was vote for the next most likely person to get lynched to save yourself. However, in interest of not just putting you in a whole you can't dig out of, I'll refrain from putting any real blame onto you until this day's outcome. 

I'll keep my vote on you solely so it gives people a choice to vote for instead of dog piling on Fossa. Other than that, it's merely mild suspicion. 

I want to be as transparent as possible.

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10 hours ago, Falaffel said:

And I only voted you to force you to speak up. 
I did my job :3

Though, I see no reason to vote anyone Fossa over you or vice versa. All you really did was vote for the next most likely person to get lynched to save yourself. However, in interest of not just putting you in a whole you can't dig out of, I'll refrain from putting any real blame onto you until this day's outcome. 

I'll keep my vote on you solely so it gives people a choice to vote for instead of dog piling on Fossa. Other than that, it's merely mild suspicion. 

I want to be as transparent as possible.

I understand.

However I must say I'm afraid that if Fossa is lynched and he turns out to be a villager, then the suspicions will fall onto me.

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39 minutes ago, Wax said:

I understand.

However I must say I'm afraid that if Fossa is lynched and he turns out to be a villager, then the suspicions will fall onto me.

If fossa is lynched and turns out to be a villager, well, then I think I'll be doomed for making suspicions around him rather than you.

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