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Things that you love! v2


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Italian Crime Fiction...there's some amazing stuff coming out as of late, Massimo Carlotto, Carlo Lucarelli, Andrea Camilleri...but not all translated. Makes me wanna learn Italian, so I can read more of it. And, just because it'd be fun to go to Italy one day, and be able to understand people. I'd love to go to Sicily, especially.

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The Soviet Union's depictions of space in their Social realist art and propaganda:


(More examples spoilered for size:)


Glory to the Soviet people the pioneers of space.jpg

Socialism our starting point.jpg

In the name of peace.jpg


I really enjoy the unique retro style it has, visually distinct from American retro sci-fi (which I also like).

I would really like to see a game or animated movie done using this alternate stylized depiction of space.

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On 9/26/2016 at 6:40 PM, Osrik said:

The Soviet Union's depictions of space in their Social realist art and propaganda


While it did a little bit to stifle freedoms, Soviet rejection of modernism and modern art as bourgeois extravagance in exchange for general realism and heroic realism honestly made some really cool art, especially when it came to the space race.

I've started on the path towards being a high school instructor - in the sciences and foreign language - and this poster and posters like it from any number of countries would be the coolest gotdamn things to hang in a classroom.


The text would have to be at least as apolitical as this one's though. Apparently the state frowns on fermenting a revolution.

This piece is actually my favorite, too. I would like to buy it as a poster.

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I heard this shredding cord sound coming from a woman's engine, turns out for some reason her belt had decided to shred, which is what I figured when I heard the noise. There was only one "V" of the belt (belts have all those little V ridges) left, which made it easy to know how the belt went on. Took me an hour though. She paid me like $50 for the job tho.

Funny thing was, she was about mid 20s, her "boyfriend" looked and acted about 16, and was as useful as a wet rag. I put him to good use holding shit out of the way for me.

My good deed for the week. And because I'm sick, hopefully the last one for a while... I can't take this.

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I love that my family enables my obsessions. I have a sweet tooth, so they buy me candy randomly. I like collecting things, so they give me useless junk to add to my collection. I obsess over dragons, so my sister randomly buys me another giant Maleficent plush.


Now I own two and I don't know where to put the second one lmao

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How ridiculously, hilariously overkill Operation Paul Bunyan was.


A convoy of 23 American and South Korean vehicles... a 64-man South Korean Special Forces company ... Several of the [South Korean] special forces men also had claymore mines strapped to their chests with the firing mechanism in their hands, and were shouting at the North Koreans to cross the bridge ... A U.S. Infantry company in 20 utility helicopters and seven Cobra attack helicopters circled behind them. Behind these helicopters, B-52 Stratofortresses from Guam escorted by U.S. F-4 Phantom IIs from Kunsan Air Base and South Korean F-5 and F-86 fighters were visible flying across the sky at high altitude. At Taegu Air Base, F-111 bombers of the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing out of Mountain Home Air Force Base, were stationed, and F-4 Phantoms C and D from the 18th TFW Kadena Air Base and Clark Air Base were also deployed. The aircraft carrier USS Midway task force had also been moved to a station just offshore...

...all to cut down a tree near the Korean DMZ.

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Today a fix has gone live.

A fix to an obscure blind-spot in an otherwise magnificent code solution that automated a time-consuming after-hours task for holidays. A flaw that, since its discovery a few weeks after the solution two years ago has required me to manually add job tasks sometime ahead of any holiday and remove them again shortly after. They finally let me fix it and it is finally live.

Today, I enabled those jobs for the last time!

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On 9/27/2016 at 7:50 PM, MalletFace said:


While it did a little bit to stifle freedoms, Soviet rejection of modernism and modern art as bourgeois extravagance in exchange for general realism and heroic realism honestly made some really cool art, especially when it came to the space race.

I've started on the path towards being a high school instructor - in the sciences and foreign language - and this poster and posters like it from any number of countries would be the coolest gotdamn things to hang in a classroom.


The text would have to be at least as apolitical as this one's though. Apparently the state frowns on fermenting a revolution.

This piece is actually my favorite, too. I would like to buy it as a poster.

Gosh, there's just a few obvious things Freud would have to say about this.


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Modern browsers. You can do neat stuff in real time, like this:

Hit F12, go to the Console tab, paste this in and enjoy.

var __=JSON.parse(atob('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'));
$('article.cPost').each(function(){var ___=$(this).find('aside.cAuthorPane');
___.find('strong[itemprop="name"] a').text(__.b);
___.find('.cAuthorPane_photo img').get(0).src=__.a;
___.find('.cAuthorPane_info li').eq(6).html(__.d);
$(this).find('div[data-role="memberSignature"] div').eq(1).html(__.c)})


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23 hours ago, Alexxx-Returns said:

I have not. Don't think it's one I've ever seen to be honest.

I'm very fond of the Amp Zero Blueberry/White Grape, and also, the regular diet Rockstar. I tend to be a really chronic insomniac, so when I wake up after maybe 3 hours sleep, it's about the only thing that wakes me up, shy of if I took adderall, or some kinda speed. I really wish I could sleep, normally. I have maybe one of these in the morning, so it's not like I'm having caffeine anywhere near when I  try and sleep...and yet...I mainly jut worry and toss and turn. 

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