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Just a thread to share and talk about your last few gaming purchases. 

I got a few pickups in the last few days. Xiizeal which is making me cum, Valdis Story, Grav, and Killing Floor 2.


Valdis is a Castlevania clone btw. So if you want something to hold you until Bloodstained is released (and you haven't run Axiom Verge into the ground like me), this is a pretty swell game. I like it a lot for an impulse buy having viewed 4 seconds of the combat on Steam and promptly shitting to the moon. Nice combos you can do. Feels like a fighter. 

I might return KF2 and Grav. Not really liking those much which makes me sad. We'll see.

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Last game I purchased was Rainbow Six Siege during the Tom Clancy Humble Bundle, along with the other games in that bundle. Haven't bought anything since, no good sales on any games I'm looking to pick up. I did pick up a couple of free titles/demos, but I already forgot what they were and a quick glance at my library doesn't help... GG @ steam library 2 big

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I think the last games I bought were Undertale, Killer is Dead, Metroid: Other M, and Persona 4 Golden.

I'm actually finding myself liking Other M's gameplay. Samus' character is butchered all to hell though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

 Not my most recent purchase, but probably my most recent significant purchase; The Witcher 3 - Hearts of Stone. Still not even finished with the main story yet, but I'm already looking forward to diving into that. And afterwards, New Game Plus!

I bought Resident Evil Revelations 2 (episode 1), Lost Planet 3, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Revelations 2 is gr8. 

Sniff, sniff...

I smell someone who bought the Humble Capcom Bundle, am I right?

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Sniff, sniff...

I smell someone who bought the Humble Capcom Bundle, am I right?

Bingo. Yep, I went for that. And I might go for round 2 if the "More games coming soon" happens to be nothing but really sweet deals. Like if they added REmake HD and RE4 HD or something. 

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Bingo. Yep, I went for that. And I might go for round 2 if the "More games coming soon" happens to be nothing but really sweet deals. Like if they added REmake HD and RE4 HD or something. 

That's what I'm hoping. I already had some of them, but I decided to beat the average. If I don't have the games they add, I will likely want them. If I do, then I just have more to gift people! It's a win-win.

I think the worst game they could add would be Operation Raccoon City. Not only would that not be worth the BTA, but it would be a major disappointment. But I shall laugh if that happens, if only because Capcom would be doing that on purpose. They know that it's the most unpopular RE game.

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That's what I'm hoping. I already had some of them, but I decided to beat the average. If I don't have the games they add, I will likely want them. If I do, then I just have more to gift people! It's a win-win.

I think the worst game they could add would be Operation Raccoon City. Not only would that not be worth the BTA, but it would be a major disappointment. But I shall laugh if that happens, if only because Capcom would be doing that on purpose. They know that it's the most unpopular RE game.

I have no idea what Remember Me is but RE4 HD was added so I guess its a good deal. Kinda disappointed about Remember Me though. Like, who cares about that?

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I have no idea what Remember Me is but RE4 HD was added so I guess its a good deal. Kinda disappointed about Remember Me though. Like, who cares about that?

Remember Me is a sort of... Adventure-ish game. Didn't get much attention, but it's apparently pretty good. And I totally forgot they were adding games today when I wrote that, so now I'm psyched! 

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So like I was able to buy a few games these past couple of days. 

Uncharted collection limited edition that comes with tumbler and a journal thingy. (Cloth poster in the background)20151008_202103.thumb.jpg.bf5552952e42ce

Assassin's creed syndicate rook edition that came with an extra art book, steel book case and tshirt.


Legend of legacy (comes with a soundtrack and artbook) and legend of Zelda tri force heroes for the 3ds. 




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I bought 3 games these last few days. 

Pokémon super mystery dungeon for 3ds which I just finished yesterday (main story at least). 

Tales of Zesteria for ps4 been so long since my last tales game so I'm just trying g to familiarize myself with it all over again.

Beyond: two souls for ps4. Just bought it on on and I'm just waiting for the download to finish. This is why I don't like digital downloads and prefer buying physical copies. The download speed is too slow where I am and I can't play it immediately.  And man I'm gonna need to upgrade my ps4 hdd soon. It's getting full rather quickly. 

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  • 1 month later...

I got

  • Parasite Eve
  • Okage: Shadow King
  • Fragile Dreams: Farewell, Ruins of the Moon

in these past few days. Parasite Eve and Fragile Dreams are pretty great. I'm surprised to be honest; I only played Parasite Eve 2 before and didn't like it, but apparently 2 and 1 are very different from each other gameplay wise and I wound up loving Parasite Eve 1.

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  • 1 month later...

I got Darkest Dungeon about a week and a half ago when I found out I was getting a new client. Been wanting the game since it came out, so this was a good excuse to go for it. I shouldn't have spent the money at the time without knowing for sure what my schedule was going to look like, but I decided to go for it and it turns out I've got more hours than I know what to do with. DD is insanely hard, so I had to make tweaks to make it just a little hard.

My only complaint is that I am already finding it quite repetitive and somewhat boring after a mere 23 hours in and the farthest I've gotten is week 14 (I had a week 17 file, but it went very poorly so progress was little). It feels very grindy to get a good team and then a backup team ready for the final dungeon. There's also not very much customizing, which always makes me a bit sad in any RPG (but I knew this fact going in, so it's not like I was expecting it).

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  • 2 months later...

Got The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D since its gotten much cheaper of late. I'm really impressed at the improvements between versions! Somehow the game is a lot more comfortable on the eye now.

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Hmm.  Deadpool, Rambo, and Clive Barker's Undying, all for Windows.  However, they aren't for me, they were for friends, one of whom is a Deadpool fan, another who is a fan of older games (Undying) and general kuso-ge (Rambo).

Hey, they are 'recent buys', aren't they?

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11 hours ago, Battlechili said:

Somehow the game is a lot more comfortable on the eye now.

That's because of the jump from 20 to 30FPS.  Though I can't believe how Nintendo managed to give the illusion that the game was a bit smoother than that.  Any other game at 20FPS looks much worse and much choppier than it.

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20 minutes ago, 6tails said:

The bag of citrine might get used in a project and sold. The rest are specimens for personal collection + a couple of Mother's Day presents.

I don't know where you sell your rocks, but I'd suggest checking Etsy out, people love gemstones for making keychains and things over there

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  • 2 months later...

Got Tail Concerto! It was a bit of a hefty price tag unfortunately, but well worth it. Well, sort of. Honestly, the camera is garbage and I don't like the way Waffle moves. The bubble gun is kinda lame as a weapon, too, and this doesn't seem to be anything special in the story department either. Its just a cute little 3D platformer.

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