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Triple murder within the fandom


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Those of you who live in southern California may have heard about the murders in Fullerton what you may not have heard or maybe you did was that the murders and victims were involved with the fandom this has of course made people within the fandom worry About the backlash that is likely to occur 

Rolling Stone did a article on the subject


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I always find this whole thing around the fandom, rather... bizarre.

People get injured, or die, and we have reporters laughing, people saying "They deserve it!" and such incidents are turned into jokes. On the other side we have a bunch of people who are more afraid of the possible impact on the fandoms reputation, and articles always trying to put the fandom in a good light desperately in case of such tragedies, almost completely dismissing that people were injured or died.
It's like both side forget that... people were injured or died when it comes to the fandom. Like, the negative stigma is so strong that it gets into focus above human lives.

Isn't this bizarre, or am I just overthinking it?

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The fact that they're furries is irrelevant to the crime. What if they were baseball fans, Star Trek fans, or maybe into anime cosplay? People have interests, and social circles often involve others who share similar interests. That's what humans tend to do. Unfortunately, as long as people are involved, there's also the potential for criminal activity. The fandom doesn't need defending anymore than interest in baseball would need defending if something similar happened to baseball fans. At the end of the day, people were murdered and the murderers will have to face consequences for their actions.

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No, @Recel, I don't think you are.

I suppose that furries are bazaar, and that makes it easier to dehumanize. And, from the furry side, there is the bullied mentality that makes the Fandom defensive. 

I've noticed a few people here making comments (broadly on this topic) bullying their own pet enemy-group to make furries look better. "At least we aren't like those guys, am I right?" The same malevolent lines found everywhere, I suppose. People must really not care but to make themselves feel better.

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1 hour ago, FenrirDarkWolf said:

We're an Arabic-style marketplace?


More often than knot, are hotter than hot, in a lot of good waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays!

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2 minutes ago, Toshabi said:


More often than knot, are hotter than hot, in a lot of good waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays!


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