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other forums you go to?


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I lurk Shmupsystems11. But I tend to not talk anymore. They're not all bad, but a lot of them tend to think they're an authority on taste making discussion impossible in a lot of threads. But it's great for news on arcade shooters and you won't get better written strategies on the games elsewhere. They do know their stuff.

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I briefly ventured onto FAF trying to find people wanthing things drawn before the place went all to hell.

Before that I used to visit a few crap zetaboards hosted ones, when I was banned from the main one I went to, was threatened off another that had connections to the main one and saw the rest become ghost towns I came  came here a year after lurking this place.

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A lgbt one, A therian one, I used to lurk DA forums and make some posts, I was part of the comment-community in the offwhite comic,  

One of my first ones back in the internet heyday was Yahoo!Answers (Dont judge me), Urban Dictionary, Several RP sites like RPnation, Iwaku Roleplay, Creative freedom, then I gravitated to something called Experience project, got out of that and mained FAF

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i still occasionally pop in on a couple of avatar sites because why not

i read threads on 4chan when my friend links them to me, but for some reason i never think to actually go and post there myself


idk this is the only forum i regularly post in, come to think of it.  i should get out more.

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Apart from here, I go on:

A body piercing forum. I check in there less often than I used to.

A Digimon porn forum that's basically dead, but there's a few people around and a few things get uploaded every now and then. I put my own fan fiction on there and people seem to read it.

I was on Fantasy Feeder for a short while, but the fetishists scared me away.

I'm very active under a different username on another forum which I'd rather not reveal because it's a very taboo (not illegal DW) subject matter. It's fairly obvious who I am though once you see me, so if anyone HAS seen me on there and is comfortable doing so, feel free to say hi.

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