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No, I don't want to be your friend


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Unfortunately there's a lot of personal attacks in this thread, and I don't think they're really going to help, because even good advice won't be received well if it is packaged with poison.

I think people are offering really good advice here though, because you're clearly unhappy with your situation, and you know, honestly some of these comments contain pearls of wisdom that could really improve happiness.

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11 hours ago, Cross said:

That sounds kind of rapey

Btw, that's not only #$%&ed up, but also the losers way

I think you misinterpreted me taking the analogy literally for some fun and ramping it up to silly levels, simmer down.


11 hours ago, Saxon said:

Twoo love?

Pwesicely. Well this has been quite an interesting thread on reading tea leaves. Thank you @Saxon and @Cross.

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36 minutes ago, Red Lion said:

Why would you pursue a sexual relation with someone you don't even like? Do you not realize that there's always a risk they might mistake intimacy for emotional investment? By your own admission hooking up with girls is "hard" so why would you go through any amount of effort to be involved with someone you find so uninteresting that you can't even stand to have a conversation with them?  If you can't stand to converse with them how did they end up in your bed in the first place? The girl you refer to seems to want more than just sex, to the point that you felt the need to rant about not wanting to be her friend. At some point during your interactions you must have done something to make her think things would go places. Too hook up with her you would have had to have a conversation of some kind. Since she texts you then you must have liked her enough to give her your contact info. Did you talk to her, decide you didn't like her but kept trying to draw her in so that she'd sleep with you? Prior to having "tea" did you ever tell her that you hate talking to her and are only talking to her because you want to get in her pants? If the answer to that is "no" then you are a lying douchebag and it's your fault she didn't know you have no interest in her beyond sex. If the answer is "yes" then congratulations, you were dumb enough to pick someone who is willing to be with people who actively don't like them . If you tell a woman "I would never talk to you if I didn't think we were going to have sex" and she wants to bang you anyway then you should kind of anticipate some kind of emotional/self-esteem issues or at the very least some kind of desperation on her part. 

So what was it? Were you friendly to someone you didn't like up until you realized the relationship wasn't going to be sexual anymore? Or were you unfriendly to someone upfront and you weren't deterred by the fact that they're the kind of people who are ok to be with someone who doesn't actually like them?


Actually, because she wanted, I didn't even know this woman, I chated on facebook once (she started messaging me) I didn't even talked to her after that, and she texted me again asking me out (second chat ever), So I accepted, we went out, I talked to her a LOT about a lot of stuff like art, music, literature, philosophy, personal opinions, a lot, we drank some beer, we got out of the place, and she went for I kiss and I accepted it, I'm a sexual being, MAN, I ALWAYS WANT TO FUCK, and she is a woman and looked attracted to me, so I took her to my place and we had some of tea together, there was some biting too, this was not love man, this was lust, I wanted to satisfy a primal need so as she. I have only seen her like 4 hours in my entire life

Btw, she is older than me, and I am not a fucking therapist

I can't believe I wasted all my day in this stupid drama

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1 minute ago, Hux said:

It's just the weekly drama thread. Enjoy it while it lasts.

I wonder if we can have a mod anarchy day, where it could be the social version of the purge with no mods to stop us.

With a tiny payment of e-peen you can buy a machine gun and roast as many users as you want.

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1 minute ago, Silo said:

I wonder if we can have a mod anarchy day, where it could be the social version of the purge with no mods to stop us.

With a tiny payment of e-peen you can buy a machine gun and roast as many users as you want.

Shit thats a genious idea, there needs to be a forum out there that has a specific purge day so a bunch of inane shit can happen before things go back to civil :v

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11 minutes ago, Silo said:

I wonder if we can have a mod anarchy day, where it could be the social version of the purge with no mods to stop us.

With a tiny payment of e-peen you can buy a machine gun and roast as many users as you want.

Well that's basically what the Blackhole is for :u

11 minutes ago, WileyWarWeasel said:

A civilized discussion about tea is being attempted, but Cross keeps injecting their relationship drama into it ;(

I like tea

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17 minutes ago, Glowing Glass said:

Ok. In that case I guess now is a good time for this



Ooh, what dank maymay. Very good.


16 minutes ago, Silo said:

I wonder if we can have a mod anarchy day, where it could be the social version of the purge with no mods to stop us.

With a tiny payment of e-peen you can buy a machine gun and roast as many users as you want.

May as well just go to /b/

I'd be genocided. I am posting untermensch. I'd be forced to hide under a blanket an not post all day.

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14 minutes ago, Zeke said:

I find your Don Juanism very thought-provoking and enlightening. Please, tell us more. :D

Well, I like bisexual girls, actually, the girl I romantically like, is bisexual, and other one I also romantically like, is also bisexual (but I think she is just trying to call attention)

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27 minutes ago, MissFleece said:

Imagine being so sad and bitter about your life that your entire self image revolves around having sex with women. 

Real talk:

Dude you need therapy.

I don't, I just live life, and if a girl want to have sex, and I also so, awesome, thats the thing, if a girl approachs me, or a I approach her at a party and we end up having sex that very day, awesome. I do a lot of other stuff but actually my self image mainly revolves around about music. I also like books, art, movies, alcohol, drugs, hanging out with friends, heavy metal, some video games, chess, sports, martial arts, philosophy, discos, concerts, bars, traveling... I actually have a very full life, I'm pretty proud of all of what I have seen and done already, and I'm still young and have all my life ahead still, I'm really excited about my future, I fell limitless.

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14 minutes ago, Sylver said:

Why am I posting here...*sigh*

To clarify, I'd normally try to post a more logical and thought out post, but I think that approach is useless here. Logic will (probably) not work. So I'd appreciate it if people didn't think this post reflected my personality..or whatever.. Basically, I don't like having to make posts like this.

You remind me of myself when I was in a drug-induced 'god mode' a while ago. We're not the same, obviously, but it's pretty clear that you're somewhat delusional. You might believe you're top shit now, but if you were really top shit you wouldn't be having these problems. That is your reality. You can brag about your accomplishments and how much of a manly male you are, and it might even make you feel good, but it will never change the reality of your situation. It's time to grow up.

As the saying goes, you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. I'm not going to invest time and energy trying to change you. I am interested in understanding you though. Okay, I think I'll stop typing because I'm losing track of what the overall point of this post was. /post


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2 hours ago, Cross said:


If your life was really that great, why would you try so hard to convince people? A good life shows itself off, all you have to worry about is living it.

All you're doing to yourself is putting all this weight, all these labels on your own shoulders.

If you like a girl and want a relationship, cool. That doesn't make you a bad person. What makes a bad person is someone who manipulates people into giving them what they want. As long as there is a complete understanding that you are persuing only no-strings-attached relationships, you're fine.

However, the fact that this girl is confused shows either you or her(or both) are lacking when it comes to communication, and communication is THE BIGGEST key to any relationship, even friendship. 

So the key to making sure this doesnt happen again is simple, next time you go on the market, make sure you advertise honestly and tell them what your goals for the relationship are.

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I read through this post, and got the gist of what's being discussed. It's rather disappointing. Having grown up in the deep south in a rural county, I saw this attitude about life manifest itself everywhere. In particular with the football jocks and rednecks. They had to prove themselves all the time in the belief that if they didn't they simply weren't good enough. It's not about satisfying a primal need or anything like that. It's about satisfying a severe lack of one's own self-confidence in order to prove to themselves and others that they are indeed "good enough". It really comes down to just that. No one really want's sex that badly and that much. I've got bipolar disorder and if I hit a hypomanic phase I'll admit my sexual desires increase significantly, but that's because I genuinely have a chemical imbalance in my brain that causes that. Normal people don't experience it that badly. I always feel shitty about it afterwards because A.) It's not in agreement with my own moral compass and B.) it's never enough. It's always momentary and then you want to move on to the next person. You're certain that by doing it enough you're going to be happy because you'll have proven yourself to them, your friends, and your family. But your friends are the same, the people you do it with are just as twisted, and it's a self-sustaining cycle that yields nothing but an unquenchable thirst for more, in hopes that maybe you can prove you're good enough. You come to realize that you're not in competition with anyone. It's an imaginary race to the end of a cliff where at the end you play chicken. Maybe you'll stop in time, but you just start over and eventually your brakes will fade, and because all of you're friends are in the same imaginary race and it's a guaranteed fact that they won't help you. They're not there for you, they're going to walk away, and you'll find yourself in the same position of those who you "had tea" with. If you're unlucky you'll go off the cliff. You'll get entangled with bad people, catch a horrible STD, fall into clinical depression, turn to self-medication. There are a lot of ways it can end. I was like this. I used intelligence and superior grades and the fact that I came from a wealthy family as my way of securing power and dominance. But it broke me. Maybe it was earlier on because my own parents had massive issues with alcohol. It was probably part of the reason the reason I had massive control issues because I never felt I was in enough control and I was never good enough because they demanded perfection since our family has a line of prestige associated with it. I won't ask you if you have experienced anything similar, but I can't help but feel it's true. I've seen it enough to identify it. I can't say that any of this will get through to you. Maybe you'll just see me as weak because I didn't keep up the facade and decided to brake before I got to the cliff. I'm not going to be surprised if you disregard me and allude to your accomplishments and "happiness" you experience.  You'll probably say you're friends will always be there for you because they understand you. Something along those lines or a combination thereof. Regardless, I don't really post this for your own benefit. If maybe even one small question is brought up in your mind because of this, then that's great, but I'm not banking on it. I'm posting this because I know there are others out there who experience this same issue. I'm hoping that maybe, if they're at a phase of questioning the facade, they'll read this and choose to leave this path to self-destruction. It's for them. I've seen it fuck up too many people I once held as friends. Alcohol, suicide attempts, rampart drug use, college drop outs. I've seen it in others, and in a few instances, experienced it. I hope you'll be happy, and I hope you'll find something meaningful that will yield you a way to avoid this. Maybe you've just started this path, or maybe you're already far down it. I don't know where you are in life or what you're experiencing, but I do hope the best for you. That is all people. I've got to get back to studying for finals.

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Cross, how old are you? Your OP reads like the typical horny male teen that devotes himself altogether too much to procuring sex. 

Also being a heterosexual male, I can kind of empathize with where you're coming from, but fucking hell a little bit of respect towards women might increase your odds, and net you an actual meaningful relationship rather than a pointless hump session. I assume that long term this is what you want, if not then whatever.

Also apologies if you already covered any of this, but my timezone is shit and frankly I think eating broken glass would be more pleasurable than trying to catch up on the rest of this shemozzle.

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4 minutes ago, Saxon said:

All the good kinds.

Did you know? There's a special strain of cooties made in larger quantities by giant nerds called Dorkus ineptus. It's fatal in larger quantities and highly contagious. Some girls are completely immune, but others aren't so lucky and slowly become integrated into "nerd culture", an effective hive mind of dorkitude. Oh, they've got culture, alright; microbial cultures.

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21 hours ago, Cross said:

BECAUSE, I have male friends, to enjoy my time and discuss men stuff, and I have females partners foe sexual relationships.

For girls, a guy friend is a safe heaven, where you can vent on him about other guys and other shit, emasculating him, denigrate his manhood and his ego, and reducing him to a non sexual being

But for guys is fucking hell, a friendship with a female, because males are sexual beings, and they want and need sex, all the time, guy friends, are not friend because they want, they are because they can't have it the other way, and always, always, want to fuck it's female 'friend'. How do I know this? Cause I'm MEN and I talk to other mens constantly and this is true for 100% of them.

There's not really any difference between men and women. You're trying too hard to emphasize masculinity.

And as a guy I can safely say that I don't want to have sex with every friend of mine that is also a girl. There's something to be gained from friendships, and every person has a different personality so something can be gained and learned from friends that are also girls just like that with men. 

21 hours ago, Cross said:

It is not, but you are right to some point, also, the more sex you have, the more you will have, cause woman prefer men who has already been chosen by other womans, it's something called pre-selection, and not just woman, everybody want to get the best they can, not what is left behind, there is nothing more unattractive than someone who anyone can have, it has no value.

21 hours ago, WolfNightV4X1 said:

Pretty sure there are people who would prefer their partners to be virgins.

21 hours ago, Cross said:

Excellent, though, I am capable of having female friends, but not the ones I want to hook up with

Isn't this contradictory though? You said that you don't want to have female friends, as you'd just want to have sex with her.

....Ignoring all this though, getting back on topic: If you made it clear to a girl that you just wanted to have sex, had sex, and now she wants to just be friends with you and you've told her you didn't want that, then that sounds like her problem. But others are right, making this thread seems like not the best way to handle it. Be extra sure to let her know and understand that you didn't want friendship and that you made it clear to her that that wasn't what you wanted. And be sure to make absolutely certain in the future that those that you hook up with you make it clear what kind of relationship you want with them. People oftentimes form emotional attachments to those that they have sex with, I would imagine.

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17 minutes ago, Sarcastic Coffeecup said:

Is this a thread about how Cross fucked a person he wanted to be a one-night stand, but instead got a friend?

I didn't really read much of this thread, it's an incomprehensible mess.

Yes, but he doesn't want the friend.

Also mixed in with all this is a bunch of mumbo jumbo about what women and men are like mixed in.

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3 minutes ago, Battlechili said:

Yes, but he doesn't want the friend.

Also mixed in with all this is a bunch of mumbo jumbo about what women and men are like mixed in.

Why the hell would you not want a friend in that. If anything it can make future hookups faster if there's no romance. If she was absolutely dreadful, then why fuck in the first place.

Is this just so he could add a +1 to his fuck amount? How vain.

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this thread went off into tangents but

For one, I wouldnt have a problem with the fact that he didnt want to be friends with some girl, mainly if he had communicated enough to make it a sex-only relationship, if he did then thats not his problem. But the secondary underlying issue is his reason for not wanting a friendship with her, and thats how his obnoxiously sexist and hypermasculine mindset says those who have friends with who they want to fuck/are attracted to are "wasting their time" and screwing themselves over for future partners.

The fact that he went into bashing his ex's friend was a dick move, because apparently his ideas are more right and superior, and guys cant have meaningful or other relationships if they have friends with girls they like because it emasculates them and makes them submissive and weak.


Cross claims he's venting but dislikes that everyone counteracts his vents, seeing flaws in his mindsets and perspective, nobody is going to agree with that. 

...maybe you shouldnt consider things a "waste of time" for stupid reasons like having friendships or people communicating counter ideas over a random comment you made. In the end, YOU made it so your time was invested in it

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55 minutes ago, Sarcastic Coffeecup said:

Is this a thread about how Cross fucked a person he wanted to be a one-night stand, but instead got a friend?

I didn't really read much of this thread, it's an incomprehensible mess.

I know man, who the hell complains about making a friend?

Most of us complain about NOT having friends

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2 minutes ago, Alexxx-Returns said:

I know man, who the hell complains about making a friend?

Most of us complain about NOT having friends

Please, sergal-sama, I have too good a life, I have an active sex life, too many friends, romantic interests and I'm afraid I'll make more. How do I get more deplorable? I can't stand this any longer.


Said no-one ever, unless satirically.

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I don't know which is worse: OP's completely unlikable dudebro personality or the unyielding litney of sheep-like forum users who are attempting to shame Cross for appeasing his sexual appetite and for holding a very politically incorrect perspective regarding the opposite sex.

Here's what I think: 

1) Those of you who think that men and women aren't *that* different are either blind, naive, stupid, or a sloppy mixture of all three.

2) Cross wanted to get his dick wet and doesn't want to enter a platonic relationship--nay, any relationship save for a sexual one!--with his lay. Welcome to the world of Chad: a place where dedicated commitment to a romantic or sexual partner is virtually unheard of. 

3) Unfortunately, Cross is right regarding the sheer potency of the male sex drive, but I'd even go as far as to argue that just about everything that your standard straight male does--from shooting for that one killer job promotion (status) to buying a fancy new sports car (material resources)---is to attract some girl in the hopes of putting his peener into her cooch and perpetuating his genetic legacy.

4) You don't have to exactly like someone in order to desire the opportunity to shag them. There are plenty of girls that I can't stand with a burning passion but who I'd bang in a heartbeat if given the chance.


Happy posting.



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On 12/6/2016 at 3:23 PM, Cross said:

Yes, and he is going to hook up with a girl whose spent all of it's good days with guys like me, and he is going to spend all of his good days pleasing a girl who will never give him want he wants.

This is what I constantly worry about. I'm practically out of my "good days" now. Maybe not too old yet, but aging is right around the corner for me and anyone around my age. It's not that I don't value things other than physical attraction, but I don't want to miss those "good days" with a woman I love, where we're both in our prime (or just about).


It is not, but you are right to some point, also, the more sex you have, the more you will have, cause woman prefer men who has already been chosen by other womans, it's something called pre-selection, and not just woman, everybody want to get the best they can, not what is left behind, there is nothing more unattractive than someone who anyone can have, it has no value.

Sadly there is some truth to this. Not necessary because women want what everyone else wants, but because women or people in general find desperateness an unattractive quality. That quality is usually found in men who've had a hard time finding a relationship due to various reasons such as social awkwardness, disabilities or being too selective.

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8 hours ago, I Did It For The Cat Girls said:


You're generalizing and making an assload of assumptions in the process, so not really. The amount of potential variables and unknowns here make this issue as a whole a bit less straightforward than you seem to want to think.


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52 minutes ago, Sylver said:

So what I'm curious to figure out is how someone ends up like that?

Look, if you want to pick up HB 8/9's at The Club, you gotta work on your Game and your Frame. A DGAF attitude will make you an extremely attractive Alpha - Negging and a solid Dread Game will help ensure maximum SMV & that you stick your man meat into her hole every time. Once you realize that AWALT (remember: treat women as you would a child) and you get Red Pilled, there's no going back.

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23 minutes ago, kazooie said:

Look, if you want to pick up HB 8/9's at The Club, you gotta work on your Game and your Frame. A DGAF attitude will make you an extremely attractive Alpha - Negging and a solid Dread Game will help ensure maximum SMV & that you stick your man meat into her hole every time. Once you realize that AWALT (remember: treat women as you would a child) and you get Red Pilled, there's no going back.

These links make me really sad. 

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On 12/6/2016 at 10:44 AM, Cross said:

No, I wanted to fuck her again, and maybe even have a relationship, but not a friendship

I DID tell her.

BECAUSE, I have male friends, to enjoy my time and discuss men stuff, and I have females partners foe sexual relationships.

For girls, a guy friend is a safe heaven, where you can vent on him about other guys and other shit, emasculating him, denigrate his manhood and his ego, and reducing him to a non sexual being

But for guys is fucking hell, a friendship with a female, because males are sexual beings, and they want and need sex, all the time, guy friends, are not friend because they want, they are because they can't have it the other way, and always, always, want to fuck it's female 'friend'. How do I know this? Cause I'm MEN and I talk to other mens constantly and this is true for 100% of them.

somebody has spent a little too much time on r/theredpill


edit: lol the thread already went there, shoulda read the whole thing first

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That redpill bullshit sucks balls, just a bunch of misogynist angry nerds, I been don't giving a fuck since 1994, it's not a combination of tricks that get me laid, it's my attitude. And my intelligence, and my amazing looks, and also, but not less, my modesty~~

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16 hours ago, Cross said:

That redpill bullshit sucks balls, just a bunch of misogynist angry nerds

load of casuals, hating the opposite sex and this MGTOW shit is bluepilled as hell

i totally get being a bitter lonely virgin, but I never understood throwing in the towel and being an even more bitter lonely virgin out of some kind of principle and opting out of relationships entirely

like just sculpt yourself into a better version of yourself, man

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I think that when other users tell you that your attitude is reminiscent of self-proclaimed pick-up artists, that you should take heed, instead of trying to prove that your are totally-not-like-them by...boasting about how much sex you get and how good you look and so forth.

Self-aggrandisement and bragging about sexual conquest is the reason that people think you sound like one of those self-styled 'seduction connoisseurs' of the red-pill asylum community. 

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On 12/9/2016 at 4:35 AM, Cross said:

That redpill bullshit sucks balls, just a bunch of misogynist angry nerds, I been don't giving a fuck since 1994, it's not a combination of tricks that get me laid, it's my attitude. And my intelligence, and my amazing looks, and also, but not less, my modesty~~

Curry, is that you?  OMG!!   



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