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Name The Species, What's with furries and uncreative usernames?


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(Disclaimer: I actually dont care about what people choose for usernames I just wanted to jab at people who pick usernames like Sparky the fox or generally have an uncreative username like their actual name on it :v)


Furries man, whenever they create a tag name on any art or other website they always use their fursona name and their species, its so rampantly common its boring. Just what exactly do they go by on non furry sites? Do they display their furfaggotry on their sleeve and get thrown in the trash can by CoD gamers? Or maybe they have a one-track mind and are furry 24/7, never stepping out of thr furry circle to see the light of day.

Granted, Im just another wolfnight, bearing the species on my name, but to be fair I had that long before furfagdom when the wolf was a general symbol for me, so I narrowly avoid this shithole group by a hair by being edgy and cool and having a better nickname 

Also youre even less creative if you just use your name :v GG

You people know who you are


...okay Im done roasting people Im out

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2 minutes ago, Crazy Lee said:

Actually if we're considering shitty furry names, I'm tired of most furries having some kind of fur name that sounds like it's from some obscure long dead African language made up from thin air because it sounds exotic and mystical and shit.

An alias is meant to identify you.
Using something like "Shane" or "Samantha" as an alias is all well and good, but no one's gonna remember that shit outside that singular community.

I have a cohesive online identity. I am Vaelarsa. That identity belongs to me, and unless someone's directly trying to impersonate me, you know what's mine instead of questioning between 500 other people that share that name in common.

There are people that do shit just for attention, but having a unique alias is also a good tool when the majority of people are forgettable as shit across most of the internet.

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7 hours ago, WolfNightV4X1 said:

(Disclaimer: I actually dont care about what people choose for usernames I just wanted to jab at people who pick usernames like Sparky the fox or generally have an uncreative username like their actual name on it :v)


Awkward cough

I just like the word "Rabbit."

And sometimes I do make an account with "the Rabbit" affixed to it, because trolls are funny.

And I'm a disgusting furry.

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Ain't even gonna lie, I'm exceptionally uncreative at nameing. 

"Red Lion" is my username on p much every site I've ever used.

I've been using it for so long I don't even clearly remember where the nickname came from but it had something to do with my hair back in high school. 

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2 hours ago, Johanna Waya said:

Naaaaaaaah he means like snagged cub the wolf would be uncreative

Naaah totally talking bout u Johannah u basic AF :V

1 hour ago, DevilishlyHandsome49 said:

Mines is creative af. Clearly defines who I am without lion in the title ;p

*narrows eyes* U win this round, Lionhandsome49 

48 minutes ago, Hewge said:

Someone with "wolf", "night", and numbers in their username is complaining about usernames. Such irony.

You don't avoid anything, my friend. Yours is also a super uncreative furfag username.

Lies! I put an excellent amount of deep and insightful thought into muh username, furfagism be damned! As a result I am above the peons of furry society

29 minutes ago, Feelwell the Rabbit said:

Awkward cough

I just like the word "Rabbit."

And sometimes I do make an account with "the Rabbit" affixed to it, because trolls are funny.

And I'm a disgusting furry.

Yes this thread was totally about you...

...you are a disgusting furry. We love you anyways.

25 minutes ago, FlynnCoyote said:

Oh well shit. Sorry for not meeting your high personal standards you snooty sub breed.

To be fair, you dont have a 'the' so youre one up on the latter of my top tier standards :v

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Still better than the nonsensical junk-ass usernames people string together on things like PSN and XBL...

MagicToastCarrotCakeBaconStrap has joined the game!

You have killed LuckyCharmsVendor

GooseRockTimTheToolManTaylorPaperclip has sent you an invite

Really weird seeing things like "HousePaperBeerPongToiletSeat2." Who the fuck picked the first one, and why would somebody be so adamant about having something ridiculous like that as their username that they'd fire a number on the end of it?

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For years, I used a generic "AdjectiveSpecies" name for posting art. Not very creative, but it landed top search results in the early 2000s. Now it lends to my anonymity. Not that I'm complaining, however, as I don't participate as much and have been keeping the furry stuff on the down-low. Speaking of which, this is pretty much the only place where I'm active in the fandom these days.

Ironically, now that I actually have a legit fursona with a name that's more personal (fursonal?), I'm easing even further into obscurity. It's okay though, as I think this name will serve me well in the future. Yeah, it looks like I'm probably going to be a lifer, if mostly on the periphery.

4 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

Actually if we're considering shitty furry names, I'm tired of most furries having some kind of fur name that sounds like it's from some obscure long dead African language made up from thin air because it sounds exotic and mystical and shit.

African? I wonder where it sounds like my name originated from.

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1 hour ago, Wrecker said:

Still better than the nonsensical junk-ass usernames people string together on things like PSN and XBL...

MagicToastCarrotCakeBaconStrap has joined the game!

You have killed LuckyCharmsVendor

GooseRockTimTheToolManTaylorPaperclip has sent you an invite

Really weird seeing things like "HousePaperBeerPongToiletSeat2." Who the fuck picked the first one, and why would somebody be so adamant about having something ridiculous like that as their username that they'd fire a number on the end of it?

LuckyCharmsVendor is the best name. I want to use that now.

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honestly, my original fursona's name was just a bunch of random rocks tossed together in a few minutes, and the last one wasn't even spelled right. i was Jasper Onyx Hiddenite. then my full >insert term of choice here< phase came and i named myself chomps the shark-wolf.

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13 hours ago, Snagged Cub said:

The times when I had numbers after some generic/cringy name were even worse than my furfaggotry names, just saying

Sorry wolfnight... 


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.




...I was dissapointed I couldnt find the furry translator somewhere on this site to furrify it :[

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On 12/17/2016 at 10:16 PM, Wrecker said:

Still better than the nonsensical junk-ass usernames people string together on things like PSN and XBL...

MagicToastCarrotCakeBaconStrap has joined the game!

You have killed LuckyCharmsVendor

GooseRockTimTheToolManTaylorPaperclip has sent you an invite

Really weird seeing things like "HousePaperBeerPongToiletSeat2." Who the fuck picked the first one, and why would somebody be so adamant about having something ridiculous like that as their username that they'd fire a number on the end of it?

A) See my Pokemon Go name thread.
B) Sometimes it's quite hard to think of a good username when all the good usernames are taken and the only way to make one is add 10 random numbers to the end of it.

22 hours ago, SirRob said:

You're right, I am guilty of having both my name and my species in my username, I'm sorry

I'm not exactly sure what species a "Sir" is.

18 hours ago, Rhíulchabán said:

You called?


Yours doesn't look made up though.

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To be entirely honest, if anyone else in this community were involved in the nuclear realm, they'd realize how uncreative my username actually is. U-235 is literally the name of the uranium used in almost all commercial nuclear power plants. It might seem creative in the furry community, but in the science community, it'd just be "seriously, that's your username?". It's the nuclear equivalent to quoting E=MC^2.    

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It didn't seem to me that a Fossa would bother with a name. Too busy bouncing and pouncing, so why would Fossa care? So, just Fossa, or Fossa boy, here.


My other fursona is Simo the Skunk, a very highly original name, that I stole from a friend named Simo, in Finland (he's a lynx) Or, I go by Simo S. Skunk, or S.S. Skunk.

In any event, skunks are the cutest and best, who shall rule the world, and the Fossa is my ferocious yet derpy side!

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I have named my characters as they are for various reasons. But they all share one commonality...


Yeltsin (his last name is Chartreuse) and Kean still need two more complimentary characters with names. I was thinking Cynthia and Marge-in, but I'm not committed.

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