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The New Report System


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The old forums made handling forum reports an ad-hoc affair.  Now that we've seen the new forums' report system in action, it's actually a lot nicer for mods to manage.  We get notifications for active reports, those notifications are removed as reports are resolved, and the report history makes incomplete reports stand out.  We can handle just about anything that needs to be done right from the report itself, including report-specific discussions separate from your report comments so we're all on the same page for the not-so-obvious resolutions.

What this means for you is that it's now a lot harder to abuse the report feature!

If you worried that you'd be inconveniencing us or otherwise causing us grief by reporting an infraction of our rules, worry no more.  (I think the only way you might still be able to abuse it is to report the same issue lots of times, but I'm not sure.)

If you happen across malicious insults, malicious call-outs, or otherwise plainly destructive* comments, then hit that report link at the top of the comment and fill in the reason in the pop-up.

*I'm hesitant to use "disruptive" because there are a few instances where a disruption isn't necessarily destructive.

Likewise, if you happen on a thing that needs positive attention, such as pinning a good thread, unpinning a worn-out thread, or locking a bad thread, then use the report link for that as well.

TL;DR: This new report system is a lot nicer to us, so don't be afraid to use it! :3

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Time for me to be serious again for a moment, folks.

What this means for you is that it's now a lot harder to abuse the report feature!

This doesn't mean it's impossible now, and this isn't an invitation to try.

That noted, I thank you all for the increase we've seen in good reports.

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