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4 hours ago, Jtrekkie said:

Just for context, what's going on?

So elsagate is about those strange kids video with millions of views .

They feature pretty gross stuff like spider man getting elsa pregnant or putting a needle into her butt, peppa pig drinking bleach.

It actually really affects kids in a negative way

Alot of companies pulled of their ads from youtube because of these vids.

Well now all these channels are getting deleted by youtube.

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actually i think calling it elsagate is kinda hilarious

I think [url=https://medium.com/@jamesbridle/something-is-wrong-on-the-internet-c39c471271d2]this[/url] is the post that really helped kick it off. I've barely even watched any of the videos; the entire concept of letting anyone under 14 much less under 5 access any part of the internet is kind of terrifying to me even though it is now the norm.

The best and weirdest part of the article is how it sort of tries to dig through the algorithm-generated stuff, and how crazy things get when you have people stitching together videos and such based on the recommendations of something not much more advanced than a chatbot in a desperate bid to grab as many precious clicks as possible.

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2 hours ago, WALFTEAM said:

I've barely even watched any of the videos; the entire concept of letting anyone under 14 much less under 5 access any part of the internet is kind of terrifying to me even though it is now the norm.

What about all the advertising on the radio, tv, billboards and other places that are accessible to the very young.

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That also kinda squicks me but having grown up with the internet not being publically available until the end of middle school kind of gives it a special air it probably doesn't deserve.

I know I'm getting old, but you can't just use the internet as a babysitter the same way you once used the TV (which was itself also a bad idea). I imagine people that do are simply repeating the mistake their parents made.

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