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Editing within multiquotes


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Ok, So I've masted the trick of multi-quoting on this forum, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how break up an individual multi-quote into more than one component section.   Is there a trick to it?  Pressing enter just adds a new line within the quoted text, and doens't spawn another quoted block.

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Ok, So I've masted the trick of multi-quoting on this forum, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how break up an individual multi-quote into more than one component section.

Dear gawds, that's ugly.

  Is there a trick to it?  Pressing enter just adds a new line within the quoted text, and doens't spawn another quoted block. 

My gawd, its horrible!

Click the user post you're quoting, cut your snippet out. hover near the bottom or top edge of the post - see that little red arrow on the right side? Click that, quote your user again, cut your snippet, repeat.

Thanks for the tip, 6tails!  It does seem to work, but its rather awkward.  In vbulletin, you can just wrap

blocks around text and the wysisyg parser will figure it all out.
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And sometimes hyperlinking a word selection won't work at all! Also why doesn't pasting a youtube link paste the actual video anymore? Is that just for me? What's up with that

It's a new forum and things are still being sorted out. but still... I'm an impatient babeh

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If you think that's a pain, trying to just type a link is annoying. I type in the link, hit spacebar to get ready in put in a hyphen and then a description of the link, and the second I press spacebar, the cursor auto-returns to the front of the link, link gets underlined. Now I click to the end of the link, try to hit space and hyphen, and now it's part of the link, when I don't want that part to be clickable.

When it gets converted to a link, before you type anything else, press Control+Z.  It should undo only the transformation.

Trivia: This trick works in word processors, too.


On Macs, it's Command+Z.

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And sometimes hyperlinking a word selection won't work at all! Also why doesn't pasting a youtube link paste the actual video anymore? Is that just for me? What's up with that

I seem to have the same problem; on first tries, it seemed like I just had to paste the link and boop, here's the video embed. Now I just see the link.

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Trouble is, that you don't have the option not to have a wysiwyg editor but typing in regular BBCode should still work. Updated versions of the software are in beta and one of the features touted is an upgrade to the editor, I don't have the release notes to hand right now but I think the update will solve a number of the minor issues and hopefully not require me to rework skins and plugins.

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