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Would You Ever...


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  • 9 months later...

Depends on what aspects of my freedom,
but generally yes.

Would you ever sell your identity to be used however someone wants, including your current personal connections,
if it would mean you get a new identity with no strings attached to your former self, and also a buttload of cash?

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No, I like my identity and the connections it has to other people. There are other ways to make cash too. 

Would you ever accept a curse where your body is constantly and rapidly decaying (rotting) but you can regenerate any wound within seconds, you never get other illnesses and sicknesses and you regenerate every decayed body part back normal shape, only to be instantly decayed all over again and again. You do not age but instead, your regenerative ability very slowly diminishes over several decades, and you eventually succumb to necrosis. 

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Sure, why not. Though I wonder if I'd feel anything, or it would go though me, or be like kissing a sheet. 

WYE star in a really hokey reality show about living with 6 furry room-mates and being a furry, on a show produced and aaired on The History Channel, and hosted by Honey Boo Boo's mother, if this meant a lifetime of free fursuits, and free hotel expenses at any and all fur cons, for the rest of your life?

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Sure, I'm poor and broke, and work all the time with not much to show for it...$2k would go a long ways, right now. I could just throw it back up, I guess. (the sour milk)

WYE give up all video games of all kinds, forever, in exchange for the guarantee of living to be 100, free of disease and pain?


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Fuck no, I don't want to be here that long as everyone I love and know would die around me, leaving me an old, lonely grump in a dying world. And besides, video games are my escapism from this mad gone world.

WYE strip naked and skip through Times Square in the middle of winter, with the promise of free clothing for the rest of your life?

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Yep, definitely. I'd probably hardly even be noticed amidst the commotion, and damn, I could use some new clothes, now. And a lifetime's worth, especially if I got to choose them? Strip me down, and sign me up!

Would you ever give up eating all sweets and refined sugars, in exchange for all of the other free food you wanted...it just could never have any refined sugars. 


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If it paid well I could always excuse myself with "I am doing this for the money". Personally, I wouldn't mind fursuits for as long me and the students wouldn't need to do anything practical and that the rooms are chill and very well ventilated

Would you ever inverse your sleeping pattern; sleep during the day, stay up during the dark

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Edit: oops, answered the wrong question.

Hmmm.....I think yes, I would depending. Like fighting forest fires, maybe. But not sure that pays well.

WYE wear nothing but spandex bodysuits for an entire year, for $100/day? (plus a selection of 50 such suits)

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My avi almost makes me look like a pole dancer now! So sure, I'd do pole dancing, if it paid enough. 

(Odd true fact: there used to be this place about a block from me, that was a combination poll dancing and ceramics studio, where you could learn either one. It did not last long.)

WYE take up the hobby of climbing trees, as an adult, just for fun, and a different way to observe nature?

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1 hour ago, FenrirDarkWolf said:

Thanks to US Draft requirements... would I have a choice?

WYE do 100%, glitchless speedruns

I already have for Mega Man X 3 (100% sub 60 minutes) and Mega Man Zero 3 (S rank normal mode run sub 60 minutes) and Sonic Adventure (Sonic's Story). If only I had recording software setup so I could actually do this on a stream or YouTube (I did for Sonic at one point on the Steam release), but I don't have the hardware. :c

For a TRILLION dollars, would you ever go into a pit against a wolf, bear, me, and a gorilla?

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55 minutes ago, Tsuujou said:

I already have for Mega Man X 3 (100% sub 60 minutes) and Mega Man Zero 3 (S rank normal mode run sub 60 minutes) and Sonic Adventure (Sonic's Story). If only I had recording software setup so I could actually do this on a stream or YouTube (I did for Sonic at one point on the Steam release), but I don't have the hardware. :c

That's awesome. I'd love to start doing speedruns on things. (I already do 100% most games I play, but not speedruns. Also skip me)

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12 minutes ago, Snagged Cub said:

Hell no, too much risk for far too little gain

Would you ever live like a Tibetan monk for a whole month? Tip: It's very ascetic lifestyle

That was supposed to be $10 million dollars, but apparently I missed a space and auto-correct eliminated it when I fixed dollars.

(Skip me)

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Heck yea!

Best worst case scenario is I'm eaten by a shark or something, and best case, I get world renowned and they shower me with money!


Would you ever...

Use only cringy slang instead of real words, not ironically but seriously. 

(Eg. Sex=Frickle Frackle, Friend=Homie, Home=Crib)

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Oh, the horror! As an English major, the destruction of the language brought about by texting and tweeting has been hard enough to endure! But maybe if it was furry slang...but still, how would I ever cope?

WYE take up dog-sledding, as a hobby, bounding across the frozen tundra, pulled by a team of Malamutes?


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That actually sounds kinda awesome, marred only by the fact that I live in a completely tundra-free environment. If for some reason I moved to Alaska or similar I would totally love to try that.

WYE tickle a tiger's testicles with a feather on the end of a pole?

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Being honest, I rather visit big cities like Milan, Rome and Florence if I were to have a holiday in Italy but sure, I would do it if given an affordable opportunity

WYE stick your hand to a dark hole knowing there's a 100$ bill but you can also hear a rattle snake rattling there? 

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Yep. I'm assuming they're dead and buried or in urns, so I'd gather all the gold I could, donate 95% of it to a fund for people who can't afford dental care, who are still living, and pocket 5% for my troubles. (Plus TV royalties) (And we better find a lot of gold!)

WYE take a mascot job where you had to dress as Tony the Tiger, and greet the customers in various cereal isles, in grocery stores across the USA?


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No because climbing trees isn't fun for me anymore, especially after the fourth time I got my shoe stuck in one and was stuck in the tree for three hours because I wasn't flexible enough to reach the shoelaces when I was a kid D:

Would you ever jump into a ballpit filled entirely with plushies in public?

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