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Only in Florida.


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In all due respect to any Florida furs here, people in Florida are fucking nuts. You could probably create a subreddit dedicated to all the hijinks that occur, from zombie hobos to armed and dangerous quad amputees to a man getting knocked out with hot sauce over Graham crackers. You can't make this shit up. And now there is a thread dedicated to the madness that is Florida.

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We do have the best wildlife in the US, though. And if you live there long enough they teach you how to summon palmetto bugs to haunt your enemies.

I did that last Friday!

On another note we also have gator farms and python hunting. Here in Florida we enjoy Gator tail for breakfast and stylish snakeboots for evening wear.

...and Skunkape is just my Uncle when he came down to visit us one year, he lived ina trailer and skulked across the backyard quite a bit.

Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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Florida is half old people, half lunatics. The old people here migrate south to Florida for the winter and back up here to the north for the summer. If my job wasn't taking care of old people I would probably be pleased, but the gundick state is taking work from me. 3: Rude.

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Is this really that bad? I thought it was just a stereotype. Can't you take any state and find a bunch of crazy people in it? Except Wyoming which has no people.

Mostly in Miami and Tampa, I think, but I've definitely seen some of the weirdest news around Florida people.  I mean, I've never seen anything as bad as that guy on drugs eating a homeless man's face off coming from any other state. I'm sure some other states are just as bad, but maybe they're just better at hiding their crazies from the news.

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My local rock station actually has a little segment called "WTF Florida" and every week they talk about weird shit that happened in Florida. Like this one guy who burned his house down after being told to stop masturbating in the window. http://www.rawstory.com/2014/02/disfigured-florida-man-sets-his-house-on-fire-after-he-was-scolded-for-public-masturbation/

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