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What the hell does "kek" mean?


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I always thought Kek was Lol. Seeing as when you play World of Warcraft on the Alliance and you see a Horde member say Lol in Orcish it comes up as Kek.

I second this answer. Used to play tons of WoW back in the day, and yeah. That's how the translator worked.

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Kek actually originated from wow as a meme, since Alliance would see Horde's lol translate to "Kek".

Topkek is a Turkish pastry, which also turned into a meme.



My favorite Alliance phrase is "GOIBON UDEN LO!!!!!"




Oh the joys of raiding alliance cities. It reminds me of the hunt!

Edited by Toshabi
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Yeah :( Though back when I played a lot, I'd just go into battlegrounds and PVP stuff with my tank gear and go bear form. So they could sap and stab all they wanted; they weren't killing me.

Until the day you ran into a rogue that didn't suck, and knew what bleed damage and expose armour did :v

I swear 90% of rogues back then didn't even have the Expose Armour finisher on their bars...

Edited by Hewge
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Until the day you ran into a rogue that didn't suck, and knew what bleed damage and expose armour did :v

I swear 90% of rogues back then didn't even have the Expose Armour finisher on their bars...

I don't think most pvp rogues really bothered with that many bleeds, at least back in the day.

It did help that I had like a 50% dodge in my tank gear. Plus as a druid, I could heal if need be. Made life a bit easier.

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Rogues are ultimate dicks.

Sap and kek.


I remember before they added diminishing returns to sap, or if there was one it still lasted forever.


I always retaliated with polymorph spam and a heaping helping of /laugh

Getting sapped over and over is just dull. What's fun is trapping someone in an endless loop of frost novas and polymorphs. You've got to let them taste freedom then take it away. Repeatedly.

PoM Polymorph will forever hold a place in my heart for pissing off Rogues. And dismounting people.

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I always retaliated with polymorph spam and a heaping helping of /laugh

Getting sapped over and over is just dull. What's fun is trapping someone in an endless loop of frost novas and polymorphs. You've got to let them taste freedom then take it away. Repeatedly.

PoM Polymorph will forever hold a place in my heart for pissing off Rogues. And dismounting people.

Unless the rogue doesn't know how to use cloak of shadows and vanish while utilizing stuns, that really doesn't work well. with rogues.  What's frustrating if you are a mage and they use Shadowstep on you when you are in mid cast, only for them to get a kidney shot in and cloak...or vanish. Nowadays, burst of speed will prevent them from being in a frost nova. 

it'll work with Warriors and any other classes....to a degree. 

Druids aren't affected by poly, so you'd have to ice lance them to death. Death knights in Frost presence has a reduced time on stun, CCs, and other crowd control effects. A glyphs Icebound Fortitude makes it null. 

Unless you go up against an Affliction warlock. Dots and fear and dots and haunt and dots and fearbombs. So you have to compete with a class that has a tad bit higher amounts of haste when using fear vs Poly. Now that warlocks can get an interrupt (two-three actually counting their minion), they can chain it and dot the shit out of you. 

What's better than Ice Nova and sap spam? Thunderstorm and Typhoon people...right off the edge. Now hunters can glyph Explosive trap and have the same effect as Thunderstorm! Best thing to use in BGs xD

Edited by Ozriel
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