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Little Rant: I dont wanna be a floating torso


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So this is just a small rant but I really hope more first person shooters actually show your character's body and feet. It annoys me that very few games put that in there. Only games I've played that I've seen do it well are the Metro series, Battlefield 3 and 4, and Star Wars Battlefront, and Killzone 3 and Shadowfall and GTA 5

I really hope Fallout 4 actuals shows your characters body in fps mode and that DOOM and Far Cry Primal do it too. It just adds to the immersion and makes it feel like im an actual person, rather than just arms and a gun

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Yeah, it would be nice to see more often. Personally, I don't mind either way, but still, it's a nice touch. Just one of those little details I always notice and think "Oh, that's cool."

By the way, a couple other games I know of that show feet are Halo and F.E.A.R. The latter actually incorporates legs into your melee attacks.

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I don't recall a single game that has actually shown the rest of the body in an accurate perspective. Most will show from the chest down, if at all. 

Thief 3 took a crack at "body awareness", as does the fourth game in the franchise.  I didn't quite care for it at first, as the body animations made performing certain actions within the game less than instantaneous, but after playing for a few hours one eventually adapts.

Now, if you want to see a really bad implementation of body awareness, look no further than Jurassic Park: Trespasser.

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Thief 3 took a crack at "body awareness", as does the fourth game in the franchise.  I didn't quite care for it at first, as the body animations made performing certain actions within the game less than instantaneous, but after playing for a few hours one eventually adapts.

Now, if you want to see a really bad implementation of body awareness, look no further than Jurassic Park: Trespasser.

Oh yeah, I had entirely forgotten about Thief! That's a really good point. I suppose Mirror's Edge can kinda be shoved in under that, as well. It was pretty realistic in that respect, even if it took some time to adapt.

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... I don't know where your head is located, but my eyes are actually above my shoulders, so when I look down, I see my shoulders and chest.

You don't see your shoulders in most games because the human field of view is much larger than a game's field of view. Also keep in mind the "camera" in a game is also looking straight ahead with no peripheral vision whatsoever. So the perspective is actually accurate, it is the FOV/zoom that makes it unrealistic. I don't think there is anything wrong with that because realistic FOV in games tends to make people sick, an option is always a good idea, however.

I doubt Bethesda will implement this in Fallout 4 because first person in their games is always "floating arms" and that looks awkward when the rest of the body is rendered. It can be done if they want to take the effort, there was a mod for Skyrim that did it decently well.

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