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Henry's Hard Orange Soda




A friend of mine suggested that I try it on a whim and I did since we discussed classic sodas like rootbeer and ginger beers coming back in popularity.

The 7-11 across the street from my apartment carries it, and I was in the mood for something Boozy...and not Mike's Harder Lemonade.

Henry's Hard Soda made it around the market with the Ginger ale, which is okay. I've been spoiled on Scottish and Jamaican Ginger Beers, so I have to say that it was "meh" in comparison to Not your dad's ginger ale. It was missing the bite that a lot of the more popular ones, like Crabbes, were missing. I guess it was trying to mimic the soda you'd find in your convenient  store fridge. *shrug*


Anyways, the orange variety is fizzy like a soda and a clean sweet in comparison to Mike's hard (Which has a heavy syrup aftertaste). As for the orange soda flavor...it's not as strong as if I were to drink a regular Fanta orange or Sunkist with a little vodka or everclear. It reminds me more of cheap malt liquor, sadly. The ABV is 4.2%, so it is good as something good to drink without the excessive alcohol.

My rating a 3/5. Not the best thing, but it's okay. It's a good chaser or something to sip on if you are looking for a fruity drink that isn't that strong. 



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