On February 17, don’t go to work – go fursuiting for a General Strike in the USA.
Furry buddies--let me make a point real quick.
— The Wombat Resists (@UrsulaV) January 29, 2017
Marches are about visibility.
Fursuits are real damn visible.
Political Animals.
What does Furry have to do with politics? Nothing. Or a lot. (Kinda like kink). It’s up to you. Maybe you just like talking-animal media. Or maybe you like media that’s inseparable from a culture that’s cracking apart.
This group is about talking animals, but it’s made of people, and we don’t exist in a vacuum. (The vacuum is just there to pick up all the shedding.) So for those who care… Let’s recap some previous stories that relate to this, then see what’s up now.
Start with the San Francisco Bay Area. It has the world’s most dense population of furries, and it’s the epicenter for a rent crisis. That big trend hit the local group when their premiere monthly event, Frolic furry dance was pushed out of it’s home.
Across the bay, on the day Frolic restarted, the Ghost Ship warehouse fire killed 36 fellow party goers at an electronic music show. It instigated a national purge of underground cultural spaces. This blog is written from one of those spaces, and narrowly escaped being forced out in a wave of evictions. Economic class issues are personal here.
Go back to 2012 and the East Coast. Money, sex and politics crashed into furry fandom in a mini-scandal of “fake news” with the New Jersey FurBQ Hoax. Looking back now, you might see some of the sparks that turned into 2017’s political dumpster fire. I’m talking about the way the group was split up by dishonesty and xenophobia, and manipulated as pawns for politics.
Furries got scapegoated for having a harmless party. It made me say: “Fun is serious business because it has to do with liberties.”
There’s some examples of how furries have long experience with fake news, they can be vulnerable as a subculture, and they can share a common cause with other marginal communities. (Don’t forget their sizeable queer membership.) You don’t have to agree about politics, but there are good reasons to pay attention. From anti-mask laws, to anti-LGBT legislation and anti-kink moral panic, furries will be part of many fights to come.
Dirty Words.
Speaking of fake news and manipulating the public, here’s some really dirty words: plutocracy, oligarchy, Trump. During the Gropenführer’s campaign, I tried to avoid playing into his outrage-spreading, except for one article about furries vs. conservatives, Gamergate and Trump. Now it’s a good time to push back.
Check this story from April 2016: Nation-wide radio station hack airs hours of vulgar “furry sex” ramblings. It set the stage for a recent followup: Someone Keeps Hacking Radio Stations To Play “Fuck Donald Trump”.
Radio was hacked to play 'explicit furry podcast', now it's Fuck Donald Trump. A precedent to mock the president! https://t.co/4fFFwZdWEC
— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) February 1, 2017
It's been 2 days since PutinPup officially collared me and I just know we're going to be together for ever and ever and ever ❤️❤️❤️
— Donnie J. Trumpypaws (@trumpypaws) February 7, 2017
Meme wars.
Furry fandom has it’s own “alt-right” invasion with a supposed quantity of members using “ironic” memes and trolling to spread it. But it has very little creativity or substance. The point is just to beg for attention, and that doesn’t last. I get told that it’s real and there’s lots of members – but it’s always the same handful trying too hard to get me to believe it. Ignore it and it will wither. More from Vice: Even Furries Are Fighting Fascists.
RMFC will officially ban paraphernalia that is deemed offensive by those in charge of the convention. (2/4)
— RMFC (@RMFC_Denver) January 27, 2017
@KikiDoodleTweet @sigilgoat Per our post last night, we will not be allowing FRs armbands at our convention.
— RMFC (@RMFC_Denver) January 27, 2017
The same furs supporting Milo & Richard Spencer are offering free drinks and prizes to get furs into the event...
— Chip Fox 🦊 (@chipfoxx) February 11, 2017
Buying friends. 🤑
Nazis are afraid of being punched. Would you use a #fursuit to get their guard down? #AfraidofFurries #SadNazis
— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) February 9, 2017
Getting Real.
Propaganda was a big thing before an election, from low effort memes to fake news. Now there’s more a freedom-loving subculture can do to push back than just lurking behind a keyboard.
FYI to smart fursuiters who care: Under Armour supports Trump, people are boycotting. https://t.co/9AZhk62G3r
— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) February 9, 2017
What will furries use now that they can't use @UnderArmour and not feel totally dirty about it? https://t.co/gDo7ZmQ8M3
— Kovu Cougar (@KovuCougar) February 8, 2017
I know this is a popular brand choice in the furry community. Nike makes a similar product and opposed the EO/ban. I recommend them. https://t.co/beyrevFjsn
— Roux/Tracey ️ (@kai_fox) February 8, 2017
Looking for an alternative to underarmor? Why not something custom instead? https://t.co/e0kgFmdwle Works great/same cooling under a fursuit
— Matrices (@RaisedbyDogs) February 9, 2017
General Strike: February 17.
Activists Are Calling for an All-Out Strike to Protest Trump on February 17. Buy nothing, stop work, and be on the street. See local protests around the US.
It could be silly to go fursuiting. It’s not just the heat, it’s the pepper spray! I don’t need to hear obvious criticism about that, but street fursuiting is my favorite thing. If you’re tough enough and expect low risk…
Someone mentioned fursuiting at a protest this weekend. This is a bad idea, don't do it. Not fuzzy animal time.
— Nahani Otieno (@Poingah) January 20, 2017
@UrsulaV Wavy Gravy would dress up for protests because police don't like being seen arresting Santa Claus or The Easter Bunny.
— Bill Stewart (@BillStewart415) January 29, 2017
The country is being dragged down with heinous actions like immigrant bans targeting entire classes of people. (Remember this: Syrian Refugees Get Put Up in Same Hotel As Furries, Kids LOVE It.) There’s a part in this for you, whether you feel like openly protesting, or just quietly resisting by being you.
May this be a reminder of what the furry fandom is all about! I am proud & honored to be associated with you all.https://t.co/SEO3ghJM5y
— Reo Grayfox (@Reo_GrayFox) January 29, 2017
I love that #FurryBlackHistoryMonth is a thing right now. This is dope.
— EarCat Supreme™ (@KashmirDaLynx) February 7, 2017
A lot of negative in the world, have a fox that's doing all he can to stay positive! pic.twitter.com/hruidIlgKi
— Hawaiian Hoosier Fox (@wildfox34) February 1, 2017
The most punk and anti establishment thing you can do, in a society that does not give a shit, is to give a shit. Caring is resistance.
— Menokh A'Khadim (@Menokh) February 9, 2017
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