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Found 1 result

  1. There's a desire for more srs topics lately, and what's more serious than death? :L Happy holidays! My opinion on the matter is that some crimes are too severe for someone who committed them to be redeemed. By the time they served their time in prison, even if they could be a completely changed person by then, no amount of volunteer work or selflessness could make up for what was taken by their crimes. If found guilty of these crimes with absolutely no way they could be innocent, they should be killed in the fastest and cheapest way possible. Am too lazy to type up a text wall explaining which crimes in what circumstances right now and will dive into that later on in the thread if need be. What I really want to focus on is the fact that sometimes innocent people are sent to jail for horrendous crimes and later found innocent for multiple reasons. Some of these people are on death row. One show I was watching even proved an executed man innocent and I'm sure he's not the first, even in our time. Killed for a crime you didn't commit, and now the victim or the victim's family knows the guilty one is still out there? Just adds to the pain everyone would feel. It scares me to think that me or someone I love could be taken away from me because of "wrong place, wrong time" and executed for it. That makes me question my stance on the death penalty a little bit, because corruption and tampering of evidence can easily make someone who is truly innocent look extremely guilty. However, prison isn't exactly fun, so maybe death wouldn't be all that bad if you knew you were going in for life and no one wanted to stick up for you. No lawyers, no family, no friends, nothing... That would suck. Sometimes I consider that maybe if we killed people for the most trivial of crimes, people would be afraid to commit any crimes and would behave. There's a lot of possible issues with that logic though (including even more corruption and framing worries), so it's never something I would push for. Thoughts?
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