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I was led to believe that trail was a beginner's trail with a overnight camp in the middle. I was misinformed. What I actually just experienced was a moderate difficulty trail and a beginner's trail with an overnight camp in between. South Kaibab, the moderate trail, was 7 miles with no water but what we carried with us. We then camped at the bottom of the canyon at the Bright Angel Campground. The beginner's trail, Bright Angel trail, was 9 miles with water available and is generally not as steep as South Kaibab. Bright Angel trail nominally has a campground in the half way to the end at the canyon floor. That's what makes it a beginner's trail. We didn't use that midpoint campground.

I am not a real hiker. I'm just a cubicle dweller who likes to go for a walk on his lunch break. I am not a fan of camping and I've never carried a real pack. My father is the real hiker. I prefer more of the LOLITS type trails. This was my first real hike.

I'll be doing full write-ups soon. I am at last again in civilization with a useable internet connection as we spend the night in the diamand suite of the Sedona Hilton Spa and Resort (my father gathers quite a number of points through business trips). I took over 400 photos (I'm not a real photographer, either, so don't expect anything spectacular :P). Most of them are on my Nikon 3200, so those will be uploaded later. A few of them were taken with my phone camera and will be used as where appropriate.









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