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  1. As we're all aware human civilization is circling the drain and the party is over. I predict that by 2069 the oceans will be dead and daily life will basically be like "The Road", with the living envying the dead. That's why I propose any remaining furries gather together for one final furmeet on Hitler's birthday!! We'll watch a Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon series (the good one) and then collectively off ourselves, leaving this wretched plane behind as we journey to the gates of Valhalla together. Use this thread to sign up for the pact, and to flesh out the details. Possible topics include: Location. I think urban centers are going to be ruined hellscapes full of cannibals. We should avoid these and maybe set up a log cabin in Northern Canada or Finland for the meet. Other cartoon series to watch. Sonic's great fellas, but since this'll be our last night on earth let's broaden our horizons. Perhaps Dev can put together a playlist, store it on a harddrive, and bury it in a bunker somewhere. Method. I was thinking of blowing my head off with my rifle, but I'm so incompetent I'd probably lobotomize myself. No thank you! Let's brainstorm better suicide methods. I look forward to seeing you all there! !!!Warning Trolls: Hear my cry and know fear. I will deal with any posts that deviate from the rules with swift and decisive justice!!!
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