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  1. I got off in a tangent about this series in another thread and decided it'd be more appropriate to discuss the series in detail in a dedicated thread to it. Speaking of which, there has been a good bit of news for the series of late disregarding Kingdom Hearts III, which the last news I'm aware of for it was that KHIII was going to have a Tangled world and a Big Hero 6 world. The NEW news however is that Kingdom Hearts 2.8 was announced. The game in question will include Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance HD, which is and HD re-release of the original 3DS game, Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage, which is a short game taking place shortly after the events of Birth By Sleep starring Aqua with similar (but not the same) gameplay to what III is going to be, and Kingdom Hearts [chi] Back Cover, which is a movie about the events of the browser game [chi]. (if I'm understanding this correctly). 2.8 is PS4 exclusive. Anyways, anyone excited for the upcoming games? I made a thread about 2.8 back when this was FAF but it didn't last long due to the site closure and I like talking about the series in general. Have a favorite game in the series? Have a game in the series you hate? Favorite/least favorite characters? Hopes for the upcoming games? Any you're currently playing or challenges you're trying to complete? Maybe you hate the series? Should I just wait to get a PS4 at some point in the future, or should I just go ahead and grab the 3DS version of DDD since that'll likely be far off from now? I've been playing 2.5 off and on for a while now, trying to beat 2FM on the hardest difficulty at level 1, but its been...Well, I'm stuck on Oogie Boogie. There's not a whole lot of room to avoid his attacks and the Heartless he summons certainly doesn't help. x_x
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