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About this blog

On here I'll be posting whatever I can think of/feel like posting about stuff (I'm not sure of what but maybe updates and stuff about stuff I'm working on)

Entries in this blog

Chapter 3 is finished

the link is in the writer's bloc. Let me know what you think. The next chapter might take a while since I need to think of stuff to put in it.



Documentary story thing I'm working on

I have started working on a documentary type story that will explain how the universe from Welcome to Purgatory works and in whitch ways it is different by following the life of Lightspeed, A character that may appear in a future story. It will also kind of be a biography/background for him. I will be working on it mostly when I'm waiting for reactions and comments on the latest chapter of Welcome to Purgatory. Let me know what you think of this idea in the comments. Thank you for reading.



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