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Hey you 
I have good taste in music 
And I'm gonna brag about it 
Won't you join me?

Entries in this blog

My Top 5 Albums

Ok, I'm gonna list my personal top 5 albums of all time. Note that I said personal; as in this is my personal opinion. It's not meant to be the definitive list to take on the world. Anyway, here we go: ***************************************** 1. Blonde on Blonde -Bob Dylan Bob Dylan. My personal favorite artist ever, and the single most influential songwriter of our generation. He reintroduced the world to the idea that songs can be something more; that they can be a k



Music Haul 3/4/16

Hey, I'm back. Here's some of what I've collected since my last post: ********************************** Albums Songs of Faith and Devotion -Depeche Mode Got this one from a friend. Depeche Mode is a great band, but up till now the only album I had was Violator; so I was glad to add another to my collection. And this one rocks!! It's got a helluva great sound to it, and the songs are great. A little less electronic/experimental than their earlier work, but still awesome. I totally r



Music Haul 2/20/16

Heyo. I like music. Collecting it, listening to it, rolling in it. Now I wanna talk about it. I think I might start posting about my music collecting here. Or maybe I won’t. We shall see. Anyway, feel free to drop by; maybe we can have some nice discussions.    As an introduction, you can browse thru my current library here if you like*. My tastes vary fairly widely, but I mainly listen to rock and it’s varieties from the ’60’s to the ’90s. I abhor rap, hip-hop, post-circa2005 country,



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