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Fox Ramblings 3: Of Absence and Roleplay!




What's good, everyone?  I'm kinda back, and kinda not back; it's kinda hard to describe what I am at the moment.  I've been a busy, little fox for the past while.  I started a roleplaying blog on Tumblr back in late January; it's a Cloud Strife blog (makosoldierboy.tumblr.com if you guys wanna go take a look.).  So far, it has 25 followers; some of which are my senpais.  This blog has been getting my undivided attention; which is why I've been dead on here for a while.  I need to be more active here too I guess.  Well, I guess that's it for this entry.  I know it's kinda short, but I have a headache at the moment.  See you guys later!



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