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Live Blogging Corporate Harrassment Prevention Training




This guy's a showman, oh boy.

400+ participants and so many of them cant follow the naming rules necessary to get credit.

Turns out it's general Harassment Prevention not just Sexual.

Key takeaways right off the bat: pervasive and severe. All about the perception of the victim, regardless of the intent of the person doing it! Gee, who knew ? :V


14min in: No fewer than 4 Q&A pauses.

Shared the path to the Corporate policy document is 7 links deep from the front page.

500 people now. People interrupting for technical problems.

At least the guy is fun to listen to.


20min in. Not sure how long I can keep up this blogging.

"Don't forget you can bypass the normal chain of command." has been said no less than 5 times. As if this company follows the CoC outside of the realm of paper.

All about the golden rule. You know the one. Also: all about perception of the one feeling harassed.

Attendance is stalling out at nearly 600 people on the teleconference.


30 min in.  Had to use the restroom. Couldn't lock my machine for fear of getting kicked out and losing credit. Thankfully, I remain the only team member who has not received an MS Paint dick drawing from somebody who found it unlocked. And no, I'm not the one drawing them.

More Q&A pauses and more people trying to ask about problems joining the session.


40 min in.  Illegal harassment is unwelcome behavior directed at a person because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex.

Also age but this is a tech company so... Woo! 5 min break then its on to Sexual Harassment prevention!


640+ participants from around the US. Pity the poor guy connecting from Hawaii; what time that must be?

50min or so in. 20% of Men have experienced workplace sexual harassment. 70% of women. Host has the most corny POV story about asking out coworker. He spends an oddly long amount of time pointing out his last company let him go because they implemented training automation. I wonder if he's bitter? Still better than PPT slides.


1hr in. Dress code policy! Don't forget miniskirts aren't workplace appropriate! But they are not inviting harassment. More obvious reminders like male comments to males can be harassment to.

Asking somebody out is not harassment. Its about being pervasive and unwanted. Ask somebody out a 2nd and they signal they feel harassed? Boom, harassment. Ask for the 200th and they still turn you don't but don't signal they feel harassed? Nope! Have another go, loser!


Time has lost all Meaning. Some of these examples (from within the company) are pretty creepy. I can't make this up: one of the client HR informed our HR of a complaint by their employee stating that our employee was "performing voodoo" on them. Which apparently involved rather creepy hand holding.

'Don't forget to Report if you feel harassed! Otherwise nothing is going to happen! If your not happy with HR's result, talk to other HR!'

Every 5 to 10 minutes the host's computer has an "Ergo Care" popup appear, prompting them to stand and stretch or rest their eyes. Must be a new policy thing. Thank goodness I use client assets, that shields me from some of the dumber ideas from The Company.


670+ people. Seems to have topped off. Can be physical, verbal, or visual. Leave those pinup calendars at home. No seriously, that has been a problem in the past. To our credit, it lasted about 5 min before being dealt with.


Wait, it's over? EARLY? Wow, presenter of the year!

'Hey, checkout these 8 other teleconferences in the next 2 months!' Also, this is only the first session of this one. I'm in clear for compliance by attending this one, but there's not enough space for the whole company. The poor guy has to present this at least two times. That's IF everybody involved can get their credentials set properly and not keep running into technical issues.


Oh wait, it's questions time.

First one had to be interrupted before they reveal sensitive details. More technical problem questions.

"Does this only apply to the US?" Lord help us.


Well, its over. Now I gotta figure out what to enter for the extra half hour on my time sheet. :(

I'll clean up this post's spelling and such after I get out of work and off my mobile.







Recommended Comments

"Thankfully, I remain the only team member who has not recieved an Ms Paint dick drawing from somebody who found it unlocked. And no, I'm not the one drawing them."

In a harassment prevention seminar.  Classy team.

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1 hour ago, ArielMT said:

"Thankfully, I remain the only team member who has not recieved an Ms Paint dick drawing from somebody who found it unlocked. And no, I'm not the one drawing them."

In a harassment prevention seminar.  Classy team.

Oh no, that happened way before. Moreover, each person involved consented to having a drawing if they get caught. Its a kind of public shaming meant to reduce "security problems" with leaving the computers unlocked.

Edited by DrGravitas
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1 hour ago, DrGravitas said:

Oh no, that happened way before. Moreover, each person involved consented to having a drawing if they get caught. Its a kind of public shaming meant to reduce "security problems" with leaving the computers unlocked.

As long as likely passers-by consented to the risk of seeing it as well, as in all point-and-laugh, none offended, that kind of thing.

Also, now that you're out, I couldn't help but think of the "arrange icons by penis" segment of "the Website Is Down" on YouTube.

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1 hour ago, ArielMT said:

As long as likely passers-by consented to the risk of seeing it as well, as in all point-and-laugh, none offended, that kind of thing.

Also, now that you're out, I couldn't help but think of the "arrange icons by penis" segment of "the Website Is Down" on YouTube.

This is true. If HR ever caught them, they'd have a fit. Once the drawing is done, the drawer is supposed to politely lock the screen. Although, I suppose that doesn't stop it from coming up should they unlock it while somebody else is there. Also, I must confess that they didn't think to actually gather affirmative consent until after last year's harassment prevention training -_-;


I am not familiar with that Youtube thing your talking about.

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