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  1. Thought I would post something I did a while back that I'm revising and streamlining. From a series on various animals: Anteater/Antbear Striding on curved fore-claws across the Mato Grosso you stop almost casually to slip a long tongue down this or that hill: Antbear, what’s it like to go through life with no teeth? Sucking it up as the ranchers hunt you down & drive you out to raise cattle, the drone of tractors and engines like foreign insects, as the dust kicked up by hooves blows across the denuded brush. All you ever sought were ants-who wants ants? You lap up your fill of workers and drones but never kill the queen the colony, the infinite underground cities, that supporting substrata--- but there’s fewer of you now cutting the grasslands with your stiff broom tails, and alone now wandering and distant you scent the master’s boy with his feeble binoculars & the gun his dad gave him, his first, & as he stalks along squinting into the early AM sun you rise up above him, knock him to the ground, your claws swiping at his soft face like scissors, & you leave him there, collapsed, bleeding, the carcass picked over by buzzards- covered now with a gentle blanket of ants. -© Simo-Skunk, 2014 (other works can be found on FA in the journals of Simo-the-Skunk, my main Fursona. The Fossa is my secondary fursona, but one I've become more & more fond of)
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