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Found 3 results

  1. Remember that game called Nier, which was a spinoff of the Drakengard series that Yoko Taro made that I loved? You know how a sequel was announced at E3 earlier this year, and that Platinum Games was supposed to be working on it alongside Square and Taro's team? Well it was finally showed off today at Paris games. Behold, gameplay and music:
  2. Beware the ides of March, for a tetrad of road-tripping dorks is coming your way! What I mean to say is that there’s gonna be some huge Final Fantasy XV news on March 30th. It’s all gonna go down in LA at 11:00AM Pacific Time. So, to all of those fans in Europe and Australia: I’m sorry you guys have to miss it. Granted, I’m damn sure there are a few of you who are crazy enough to stay up for it. More power to those people. So, I watched the Active Time Report yesterday. From what the guys said, the game is nearing completion; which makes them capable of providing a release date. They’ll give us that information at this event. What’s also gonna be at this event is a tech demo for the game, which will most likely bring to light the development process of this game. Of course; I doubt they’ll be able to squeeze in a decade of development time into one video. For those of you who don’t know, Final Fantasy XV began development under the XIII moniker as “Final Fantasy: Versus XIII” . After the XIII trilogy was panned by gamers and critics alike, Square decided to make this game a stand-alone title. Thus, XV was born. Shortly before the change, this game went under the radar for five years, which pissed of some people. Then, they showed it at E3 2013 with better graphics, new characters, and a new story; it was also shifted to the PlayStation 4. Fast forward to Episode Duscae, the official demo for XV. Fans praised it, save for a few minor hiccups. The developers actually listened to the feedback and tweaked everything that was wrong. BAM! Now, this game is finally nearing the end stages of development. I’m so fucking ready for this game, guys! With that said, I'm out. Peace!
  3. At last, after nearly twenty years have flown by, we have confirmation that Final Fantasy VII is getting a remake. At E3 and PSX last year, we got more than we could ever hope for with a teaser and some gameplay respectively. The first part’s scenario is complete. Now, all we have to do is wait. Such is the life of a gamer; we wait, and wait, and wait some more for the shining gems that were promised. As we wait for this godsend, we can always hope to get something; whether it be a particular character or a favorite scene, there’s always that feeling of anticipation. So, let’s cut to the chase: What would you like to see in the Final Fantasy VII Remake? I’ll tell you my hopes if you tell me yours! Personally, I wanna see all of these things: Cloud trying to walk in heels. Vincent Valentine in general. All the boss fights. Midgar (Like holy shit I need to see it all!) Cosmo Canyon (My favorite location) Midgar Zolom The scene in the submarine. ("I have no idea what I did, but I think it's working..." -Vincent Valentine) Everything involving Vincent and Yuffie.
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