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Found 2 results

  1. So during the steam steam summer sale I happened to pick up a copy of this early access gem: Subnautica. For those that have never heard of it Subnautica is an open world adventure game with a heavy focus on exploration and atmosphere. You play as a lone survivor from a space ship that crashed into an alien ocean. The only place to go is down.... and holy shit is it awesome! The game is both beautiful and horrifying as you plunge into its depths. The game starts you out in pretty, peaceful scenery and gets you thinking, "This isn't so bad. In fact this is rather pleasant!" But as you explore deeper... It just gets darker and the local wild life..... Bigger... and hungrier. A true horror game in disguise. The game is still very much an alpha build, but its been a blast to play. The full game when its completed is going to be epic. But even now its been a ton of fun and well worth the buy. Anyone else play this game and excited about it cuz I sure am? <;
  2. I've not been a huge fan of FPS games (Sorry Overwatch) but recently @GarthTheWereWolf gifted me Subnautica on steam which I always wanted to play. After like 2 hours into the game, I literally puked all over the place. I'd never imagine a game about a sea world would make me sea sick. Any quick fix to cure motion sickness in FPS games? Also useful tips in subnautica please.... I'm swimming around pointlessly, unsure what to do. :V
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