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Found 2 results

  1. Yep, its that time of year, the great Canadian Turkey weekend! So Canuck furs, what'cha all up to this weekend? Any special plans for the Monday holiday?
  2. Now, on more serious note, for those who don't know anything about that yet. Link to the article Video footage from the explosion Video footage from the aftermatch [gore warning] So, even after ISIS will be dealt with, it's impossible for us to expect the peace in the middle east. Not if the nations such as Kurds still remain without their own countries. And honestly, it's hard to believe that Turkey got accepted into NATO. But, actually thinking of it, since US is in it, everything is possible. And for those who know nothing about the problem there at all. Kurds are a nation of 30 million people who don't have their own country, living mostly in the eastern Turkey and northern Iraq. They've been fighting for their independence regularly since the late XIX century. In the last year they've been also the only force actively, succesively and effectively fighting the ISIS. Turkey on the other hand, being afraid that after ISIS is dealt with, they might have to deal with Kurdish Army or have to accept independent Kurdistan is indirectly supporting ISIS by bombind kurdish armed forces. Tl;dr: wrong kebabs got removed. Ocalan free Kurdistan!
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