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Something That Really Fucking Bothers Me


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Being a completely out of place furry forum where shit like this doesn't matter, or what have you, fuck it, I'm posting this.


I guess word of mouth is good enough, right? Verbal reports also say that you're going to win a pile of cash on Facebook if you share this post.

Beautiful fucking British Columbia, a place where some dumb cunt by the name of Christy Clarke is in charge of catering to a pile of bullshit to salvage a fading economy.

Not only have they extended their wolf cull for another year, this shit is in proposition.

It fucking drives me up the wall, there's so much effort put into place to re-establish a population, and when shit starts to work out, fuck it, we might as well go no holds barred again.

I remember being a kid and traveling to BC to visit family on the coast, and seeing mountains completely blanketed in green conifers. It was amazing. Take a trip out there nowadays, and you're liable to see thousands of square kilometres of clear cut wasteland on top of every change in horizon on the TransCanada. It's not trees, it's brown fucking junk.

I understand forestry is a viable market, but at what expense? The big gripe with the cull is the problem with the decline in caribou. What the fuck do you expect when you wreck havoc on their habitat and push them and their predators into one spot?

Nope, it's them damned dirty oil-sands that are the big scapegoat. Fucking forget about shit like this, you won't even find it on the CBC. No big deal.

Edited by Wrecker
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