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Hey guys, I've been trying to put together a thing for the last few weeks, but still am getting no responses for my efforts.  If no one wants to play the big epic game I've been trying to get going for a few months ( thread about it here: https://phoenix.corvidae.org/topic/1769-tts-kingdom-death-campaign/ ) Then, maybe some other things?  Cause one of the reasons I wanted to lead in with my game, aside from the fact that it's what I want to play, but that I could host it without everyone needing to buy Table Top Simulator, no purchase necessary.  If I were to try to put together a generic 'hey lets play board games' group, it'd be much more demanding that everyone have their own copy of TTS.

My times and availability are the same. Anyone interested in general board gaming? Anyone interested in my Kingdom Death: Monster game now, if maybe you'd not noticed the thread before?  I'm a social butterfly without any flowers. =p

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i cant really commit to a giant campaign thing atm bt ill give it a look. im down for boardgames, any chance you use vassal? http://www.vassalengine.org/

it's an open-source board game engine with modules for just about everything. Any games you're interested in in particular? Right now I mainly play chess (just add Pignog on chess.com), Catan (if we can wrangle some extra players), and Twilight Struggle (good 1 v 1).

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1 hour ago, Pignog said:

i cant really commit to a giant campaign thing atm bt ill give it a look. im down for boardgames, any chance you use vassal? http://www.vassalengine.org/

it's an open-source board game engine with modules for just about everything. Any games you're interested in in particular? Right now I mainly play chess (just add Pignog on chess.com), Catan (if we can wrangle some extra players), and Twilight Struggle (good 1 v 1).

I've heard about Vassel, but never used it so it hadn't crossed my mind. I went and took a look at it just now and it seems okay-ish. Probably easier to make modules for, but it's also missing a lot of mods that TTS has, like Cutthroat Caverns and Kingdom Death. It'd probably be fairly hit or miss with most things I can think of.

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