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So not sure if this fits here but it is a game! So here we go!

Let this be a spot for the other needs to talk about the latest sets, lore, strategies and formats. (Be sure to hide spoilers)


I'll start with Eldritch Moon, who else is excited for the prerelease Friday?

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Yes, an MTG thread!

Eldritch Moon looks great, though I think I speak for most people when I say that I wish the story wasn't so predictable. But I love how they took inspiration from The Thing for some creature designs. It's absolutely disgusting, but props to WotC for taking that risk. I'd like to go to a pre-release... but I never seem to have the time or money for it.

I guess I'll throw this out there; I'm a big red player (if it doesn't have red, I probably don't run it - surprising, right!?), though I have a soft spot for B/G (Golgari) decks. I'm mostly a budget/casual player, though I have played competitively in Standard back when Zendikar/Scars of Mirrodin were in cycle. It was a bitch fighting control decks with my meekly $10 deck, but damn did it feel good beating those big budget decks!

My favorite deck archetype has to be either burn or RWB weenie decks. Nothing is more satisfying to me than wiping the board using Martial Coup with a Blood Artist on the field, maybe even a Rage Thrower for good measure.


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I'm not really a red player. I enjoy a good B/W deck, but Naya decks are always fun. I used to play standard, but now I mainly play drafts, EDH, and I dabble in modern. I want to make a cube using the Conspiracy set heavily.

I wasn't too mad with Eldritch Moon's story being predictable or involving Eldrazi. It's just too bad this Emrakul is so underwhelming compared to the old one. Though spirits and werewolves got a nice boost.

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Went to the prerelease Friday. Pulled a promo Liliana and traded my Gisela for Tamiyo. Unfortunately I didn't do too well. I made a decent Abzan deck, but it was too slow compared to all the red/green Ulrich decks I kept facing. In the end I didn't win many packs but a few friends didnt care for their cards and I left with some nice stuff.


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2 hours ago, SkyboundTerror said:

Cat tribal has the coolest lord, easily. Raskha for life. Thank Mirrodin for giving us cats that can abuse equipment, though I'm not too fond of them. I've always preferred cats like Blistering Firecat and Seht's Tiger.

I run Kemba, Kha Regent. I enjoy the equipment deck build. I run all the swords (fire/ice, light/shadow, etc.), white counterspells, Stoneforge Mystic, Land Tax, all the Vinalla Ajanis, Umezawa's Kitten, and a lot of control/ utility cats. Funny thing is the mana curve is so low this is my tiny leaders deck too (after I take out half of it)


Edited by Enigma
My cat deck sleeves!
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  • 4 weeks later...

New spoilers are starting to come out for conspiracy! I really enjoyed the last set. They reprinted so many good old cards and I don't like spending a fortune on those old cards for EDH. Plus Dack Fayden is awesome! 

Also I want to make a cube one day with a bunch of conspiracy cards. I enjoy drafting, but I want to save money.

Anywho here is Kaya, a new planeswalker in my favorite color combination. I think I enjoy how evasive she is by herself, I just wish she had slight more 'umph'. She isn't an immediate threat, depending on board state, but she does have plenty of utility. ETB effects, board wipe protection, and hand control is pretty sweet though.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep telling myself I want to play this game more regularly, and that I want to form that smokers habit of having more and more cards, but I really don't like the idea of the money I'd be spending, so I might just collect planeswalkers from stores that aren't stupidly expensive.

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7 hours ago, Sylver said:


Oh, right, MTG. I got side-tracked. The game seems interesting, but it's not really my thing.

Those people aren't as bad as the super competitive type. They watch every step you make and play like it is the pro tour. I play very casually, unless I'm at an event or something.

MTG, isn't for everyone. If you develop weeb like symptoms call your doctor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kaladesh spoilers are out!

Lots of artifacts in the Symmetra like plane. The new mechanic 'crew' is pretty interesting and they seem to be pushing red/blue heavily. I always felt blue/white/black was the traditional artifact color combination.

Still no idea who is the big bad yet, but I noticed in the flavor text that the Gate watch is there. I'm hoping the Phyrexians invade with a corrupted Karn, that would be epic!

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