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I like video games.

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I'm four years into college working towards a Computer Science degree and I really don't enjoy my studies or feel that I'm anywhere near where I need to be in understanding what I've been supposed to be learning. I don't enjoy the problem solving aspects of programming. I like just knowing how to do something and then doing it, and most of the time I feel lost and/or don't know what to do or how to get from point A to point B when working on a program. I'll likely have to do a 5th year, pos



There's no one IRL I know to enjoy weeb things with

I sometimes find myself sad or frustrated because I find it difficult to relate to anyone I know. I don't mean anything super serious; I just wish I had friends I could get excited about things with. There's plenty of people online who I find make for great conversation, but not so much so in real life. I want a friend to get excited about video games with. Someone who knows and likes a lot of the things I do. People who I would have fun with and want to spend time playing with and talking to.



I'm passing Data Structures and Calculus II!

This time last year I was failing Data Structures and had completely given up on the class, not even bothering to go most of the time. Cal II I was struggling with immensely. Grades recently came in, and in Data Structures, the same class I was failing this time last year, I made a 96 on the last test. You have no idea how happy and exciting this is! A 96! After all this time of fear and seemingly crushed dreams, I'm making it through the things I struggled with last year! And on the most recent



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