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"Implicit Demand for Proof"




Is it so wrong to question if this world is still a beautiful place to be?
Is it so wrong to ask for proof that this world is still worth living in?
Is it so wrong to crave a release from all of this?

Life has dealt hand after hand and I've played its game.
I'm ready to fold; always ready.
    Yet....I continue.

I ask myself, "Why?"

"Why do you keep moving forward?" 

I'm always met with silence.
                        A silence that gives me no sense of solace.
                                                 Hanging over me like a veil of dread.

No matter how much I reach out towards that bright sunset,
Fading light slips out;
Overflowing; Trapped within eternal twilight.

How much of this has to go on?

Do you know what broken means?
I am shattered, piece by piece.
But my heart's still telling me
                  "Keep breathing... 

                    keep breathing."

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I've been feeling not like myself for a long while now and reading this after getting home, really hit me.

I don't feel like going into details, but the last four lines are what really struck me. I don't know if its my heart telling me to keep breathing or my mind telling me. In a way, I'm happy I'm still breathing, even if things are tough right now. There's something keeping me going. Don't quite know what it is, but it's something.

A very beautiful thing you've written here.


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Thank you Dev.

The thing is, we keep going despite everything. I guess, in a way it's a strength all in itself. Doesn't matter what's pushing you or I forward as long as we take those steps.

I hope all your troubles will be solved in due time. 

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I feel ya man...I fucking feel ya.

I guess we're all just a little jaded. Maybe one day we won't be.

Until then:


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