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Found 1 result

  1. DrGravitas


    Mice! In my kitchen! They left droppings on my sink! XC Time to disinfect it again! Augh! I knew I had some of the little pests. There was a brief presence when the first cold spell of winter hit. I put out my usual no kill trap, baited with my tried-and-true choice: butter and peanut butter. This has been successful in the past, but this time they didn't fall for it. Shorty after that, all signs of them disappeared. I left the trap out just in case, but it caught nothing. But they're back. And they crapped on top of the trap. I think they're too big to fit or something. Now they've gone too far! No more 'No Kill' traps, it's time for this fox to quit playing around. Tomorrow I'm going to the hardware store and picking up... some kind of trap that, like, kills. And more disinfectant. A lot more disinfectant. *shudder*
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