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Rant/Rave: Becoming self-conscious about your work


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Recently I looked back at my photography from early this year. Holy crap did I suck! I am really happy with how my editing has improved, I have no idea what I was thinking 12 months ago...

The problem that I have right now is that I make all of my animal photos available to some animal conservation networks. They can just pick the shots they like and use them any way they see fit. And it is really cool to see them do that, it makes me feel like I am making at least a tiny bit of a difference for those endangered animals.

But the photos they choose... It can be emberassing when they pick an older one :P Yesterday I saw this article about red pandas and why they are endangered: http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~rscheel3/portfolio/red-panda.html

The photo that she used for the header is mine, it's this one: https://flic.kr/p/z7erYS

In that case it wasn't really my editing that sucked, the light was just awful on that day. I am so glad that she didn't give me credit for it! It's under the CC0 public domain dedication license which means she didn't have to. So at least no one knows that I am responsible for this overexposed trash... Except for you :P

I suppose I am complaining on a very high level here. I'm aware of that. And honestly, I am kinda glad that I find that shot emberassing. It makes me want to improve even further. Now if only I had those 10.000 bucks for new equipment~

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:o You dont want credit for an image because its embarrassing? That seems odd to me, but I guess artists can be very self-critical of their work, hehe.

Well that said, congrats dude. Thats really freaking cool, you have an awesome career going on and its cool how much you can contribute.

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27 minutes ago, WolfNightV4X1 said:

:o You dont want credit for an image because its embarrassing? That seems odd to me, but I guess artists can be very self-critical of their work, hehe.

Well that said, congrats dude. Thats really freaking cool, you have an awesome career going on and its cool how much you can contribute.

I asked all animal conservation networks that use my shots not to give me credit. They mainly use them on social media and Twitter only gives you 140 characters. I don't want them to waste those with giving credit to me :)

And it's not really a career, I mainly shoot for fun. But it really is great to know that your photos actually serve some kind of purpose, that is a great motivation!

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2 hours ago, Käpt'n said:

Holy crap did I suck! I am really happy with how my editing has improved, I have no idea what I was thinking 12 months ago...

'Tis the same to me basically, but with art and the time gap between my first pieces and now is of 5 almost 6 months.

So yeah, tell me about it. I'm kinda surprised by how much I improved in so little time. Not to brag but my art is so much better now than before

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1 hour ago, Käpt'n said:

I asked all animal conservation networks that use my shots not to give me credit. They mainly use them on social media and Twitter only gives you 140 characters. I don't want them to waste those with giving credit to me :)

And it's not really a career, I mainly shoot for fun. But it really is great to know that your photos actually serve some kind of purpose, that is a great motivation!

Oh well thats really nice of you ^_^ Definitely seems like a lot of fun.
Definitely seems

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