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"Couldn't Load Plugin"


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For some reason in Google Chrome whenever I load anything that uses Flash, I just get an error message saying "couldn't load plugin". I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome. This did not fix the problem. I tried making sure I didn't have extra occurrences of Flash Player on my computer. I do not.

I don't know what's causing this or how to fix this and its frustrating. Its only a recent issue too. Can anyone help?

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7 minutes ago, Onnes said:

What Chrome version and what do you see when you go to 'chrome://plugins' ?

I feel silly for saying this but I don't know what version of Chrome I'm on. I'd assume its the most recent version available considering I just reinstalled it though.

As for plugins...


These are all of them

EDIT: I think this is the version I'm using "47.0.2526.106" as that shows up as file version when I go snooping into the Google Chrome folder on my C Drive.

Edited by Battlechili
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